Raquel against the access of Padilha and Moreira to the breakdown of the secret phone


<img src = "http://imgsapp.diariodepernambuco.com.br/app/noticia_127983242361/2018/07/02/756425/20180702220959932001e.jpg" alt = "Raquel Dodge Photo: Antonio Cruz / Ag" title = "Raquel Dodge." The Attorney General of the Republic, Raquel Dodge, has sent an opinion to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) if she finds it to be a violation of the law of the United States of America

to stand against the demands of Ministers Eliseu Padilha (Civil House) and Moreira Franco (Mines and Energy) to access information on the violation of the telephone secret authorized by Minister Edson Fachin

Dodge, sharing this data can frustrate the ongoing stagecoach

Raquel Dodge also asked Fachin to include in the survey messages on the mobile phone of an employee of the OAS regarding the scheduling of meetings of OAS President Leo Pinheiro with Padilha and Moreira Franco, in the years 2013 and 2014.

In one of the phases of the operation Lava Jato, the cell phone of Marcos Paulo Ramalho, an employee of the OAS, was seized, who exchanged messages with Leo Pi According to Raquel Dodge

"The messages that deal with the meetings of Eliseu Padilha and Moreira Franco with Leo Pinheiro interest the ongoing investigations, which investigate the corruption in the concession of an airport in Brazil. ", Said Dodge, at the Galeão Airport concession

The claims were made in a survey that investigates reports from Odebrecht informants about the alleged payment of R10 million. $ in donations. unlawful for MDB campaigns in exchange for favoring the business. The agreement, according to the indictment, was signed at a meeting at Jaburu Palace in 2014, when Temer was vice president.

Minister Edson Fachin, rapporteur of the process, authorized the violation of the secret phone of the two ministers of President Michel Temer Raquel Dodge, opposing the requests of Padilha and Moreira Franco, emphasized the jurisprudence of the Court Supreme which guarantees to the respondents the right to know the information already introduced in the files of the investigation,

"It is of constant jurisprudence of the Supreme Court that the right of access to the evidence by the defendant of the defendant is limited to the evidence already documented in the record and which provides information relevant to the conduct of the defense of the persons investigated, even if the records are processed under the restricted advertising regime "

". should be considered that there are no absolute rights in the Brazilian constitutional system and that the interpretation of the Federal Supreme Court itself … e "To strike a balance between the exercise of broad defense and the effectiveness of investigations," concluded the attorney general.

Raquel Dodge also objected to a request from the prosecutor Cláudio Melo Filho to have access to clbadified documents of the investigation, since the former director of the Institutional Relations of Odebrecht are not among those examined in the case.

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