Road with bald tires tumbles down BH Ring Road – General

A road loaded with concrete fell on the morning of Saturday, on the Rodovirio ring road in Belo Horizonte, leaving the driver slightly injured. The accident occurred in the dreaded descent that lies in the direction of Vitria, between the neighborhoods Olhos D & # gua and Betnia, a few meters from the cloister of access to the district of Buritis .
According to Lieutenant André Muniz, the driver stated that he and when he hit the pedals, the brake did not work, falling into the chute then falling off.
(photo: Jair Amaral / EM / DA Press)
(photo: Jair Amaral / EM / DA Press)
(photo: Jair Amaral / EM / DA Press) the tires of the heavy vehicle are bald, what constitutes for the lieutenant a bad state of conservation and for this reason a fine was generated. "We have also established a license for the expired license," said the army.
The driver, 40-year-old Daniel Ferreira da Silva, pbaded the meter test which showed no consumption of alcohol. "I felt that the brake was not catching and I threw it to the right, to avoid a tragedy," he said a few moments before being rescued. Daniel informed that the company was aware of the conditions of the vehicle to make the trip between Olhos D 'gua and Betim, in Great BH, where the cargo of six cubic meters of concrete would go. , were instead, but did not want to comment on the situation.
Officers of the Via 040, dealer responsible for the stretch, and two trailers to clear the way. According to Fabiano Augusto, representative of Via 040, the complete work should last one hour. "There was a small diesel leak already contained with sawdust and some concrete also leaked, but we will do all the cleaning as soon as the road is knocked out," he says. Two bands of the Ring in the direction of Vitria were banned, which caused great slowness in the region at the time of publication of this text