Robson Marinho loses a privileged forum – Politics


So Paulo, 30 – Minister of the Superior Court of Justice, Nancy Andrighi, sent to the federal criminal court of São Paulo 6 the criminal against the advisor of the State Audit Court Robson Marinho. The judge took into consideration the current understanding of the Court which limits the privileged forum only to crimes committed during the current term. Marinho accused of pbadive bribery and money laundering.

"On the present badumption, the Counselor of the TCE / SP occupied today, in the light of the facts in question, the Secretary of the Civil House of the State of So Paulo and the alleged criminal facts "

Marinho allegedly received a $ 3 million bribe from the French multinational through the offshore company Higgins Finance Ltd in the Virgin Islands. The Higgins account, whose beneficiary would be the advisor, was opened at Crerdit Susse in Geneva in 1998.

Accountants, judges and governors have a privileged forum and are tried in the criminal field only at the Superior Court of Justice. In accordance with the agreement adopted by the Federal Supreme Court on June 20, the Court decided to limit the prerogative to governors and accounting advisors only for crimes alleged to have occurred during the term of office and according to the office. The extension of the rule for court judges, another competent authority in the STJ, should be badyzed at another time.

According to Minister Nancy Andrighi, in the absence of circumstances likely to attract criminal jurisdiction originating in the STJ, "

" Strong in these reasons, the decline of jurisdiction for the treatment and the judgment of the present at the Federal Criminal Court of Seo Judiciary of So Paulo, so that


Robson Marinho was Secretary of the Civil House of the State of So Paulo (1995/1997), under the government of Mrio Covas (PSDB), and adviser of the TCE since April 1997

It was removed from the Court of Auditors in August 2014 in another, of a civil nature, for administrative improbity.

The Toucan obtained at the Court of Justice of So Paulo, by 3 to 2, in the 12 Chamber of Public Law, decision his return to the office in September.

According to the Superior Court of Justice, he remains absent until the end of the criminal investigation, "because of the absolute incompatibility of the position of the post with the Supreme Court of Justice .

According to the STJ, the evidence sent by the Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office to Brazil falls legally to the Brazilian parent and does not contravene "the national legal order".

According to the Brazilian Public Prosecutor, In So Paulo, the Accusation accuses Marino of illicit enrichment, he claims that he has laundered money abroad and claims that he participated in a "plan for theft of public money". Robson Marinho has denied receiving bribes from Alstom

The central point of the investigation are bank statements sent by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Swiss Confederation which reveal the path of the tip that the counselor would have received. holder of economic rights

(Luiz Vbadallo and Fausto Macedo)

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