The elected governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado (DEM), declared that he would badume the administration of the state in a "calamitous situation", with many debts and little money. In addition, he placed health, education and security among his priorities in his mandate and spoke of his "longstanding" closeness with President-elect Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) as an badet to overcome difficulties.
The statements were given in an interview with TV Anhanguera on Monday morning, May 31, the day before his swearing-in.
The solemnity takes place on Tuesday, January 1 from 9 am in plenary of the Legislative Assembly of Goiás (Alego). 380 chairs were placed to receive the guests. The public will occupy 202 additional gallery spaces on a first-come, first-served basis. On the spot, he will deliver his first speech after taking an oath.
He will then be driven to Esmeraldas Palace, Goian Government's administrative headquarters, where he will receive the group of current governor, José Eliton (PSDB). Then, Caiado goes to Brasilia, where he accompanies the possession of Bolsonaro.
Caiado said that the government would be "the biggest challenge" of his political life and that he was aware of his responsibilities in the current economic situation.
"I am convinced that with the accumulated experience and the way in which I have always been involved in politics, it is logical that we face many problems, including this situation. Disastrous state, but I say that I will govern with total transparency and listen to the people of Goiás, "he says.
The future governor claims that Goiás has arrived at "a situation of total delinquency" and that he no longer has the support of the National Treasury to take out loans. He also claims that he will get the state with great debt.
"I get the state with a total debt of R $ 3.4 billion, only the payroll, R $ 1.680 million, every moment is a sad surprise.First, I come from to receive from my transition team Only the debts with the union, that the government of Goiás did not pay, plus 141 million rand and, if it is not the case, to pay Goiás are blocked in the transfer of the Fund for the participation of States, "he said.
" I repeat: what Ronaldo Caiado will receive on January 1, that is $ 11 million in the state's unique account .
About the situation, the government of Goiás diverged and said that he still had more than 750 million dollars in cash.
Confronted with this, Caiado was asked about the payment of public service salaries for the month of December. He acknowledged that he recognized this obligation, but given the current state of the state, he did not specify how the debts would be paid. "Looking for an alternative."
" I know that the salary is sacred, that we have to pay it.Now, facing this situation, I am with closed hospitals, with a meal payment crisis for prisons and hospitals, today lives a situation where 26,000 university scholarship students will not be able to register at the university because colleges do not receive "
" Much of this money is from the University of Ottawa. money already tied to a contract, it's money that can not be used to pay the payroll.So how are we going to pay? Of course we will take our responsibilities and I will pay payments, now the way we will make the payment must be very much ehensive on the part of the servers, so that for the moment, with full transparency in the public accounts and that they know the subject thoroughly, we will seek an alternative. "[Photo-RonaldoCaiadoprendsesfonctionsle1erjanvier:RafaVonZuben"src="data:image/jpeg;base64/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT/2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT/wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYEBQcD/8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAMABf/+///aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABy7jDZkZR0RSsiXWLEOyOphAavEACAQAAICAgAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAAUBAgYSFBcxMzT2gAIAQEAAQUCSt2KypCDO7ifD1lddqW5VmwWO6c5C16wRdGpF/h29RPE//EAB0RAAEDBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAUEQEiEiMaH/2gAIAQMBAT8BF87cTWSPqKKF/8QAHREAAgIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECMREDBBJxgf/aAAgBAgEBPwHEmnwsktV1LHht6l0I/8QALhAAAQIEAQgLAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREhMFISIyQXKSwRAxNDZCUXGBgrLR/9oACAEBAAY/AmFSsy4lBUtS2fDmWORETYddUmWU5g3BVaXH8hUjLugDOQtwbPaO2s8CoabK25dKE6DfrChJG3qhbzOUcMO6K2UtWjDpSvqfKBMt5XcM4o6SA2oUG9HeNfA5EvuH7R8OfT+/AP/EAB8QAAIBBAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxQVEQYSCh8P/aAAgBAQABPyFqHzQLKzPuUOmwJwgnImTUyABWbDTPGxs+/+kMAAARZ9utVNEmAoAzBIGgjdEu4vCTfJU24TTv4E2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEC0/////EABwRAAICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExcUFRgfv/aAAgBAwEBPxAaG4cNeQxdz0rqYbQz/8QAHBEAAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAMVFxgaHw/9oACAECAQE/ECoCzZAd5XsxLU25neS5n//EAB0QAQACAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxEEFhkbH/2gAIAQEAAT8QhsSkQBhG13SQ3jPHBgNzpEV3uawF6J90yCVgVXdHFYnWU7CUDWHv2IOFZ/mk8gAVKBhAX5cYyjWsKNjy9C+-fOzjRonaldoCaiadoprendsesfonctionsle1erjanvierPhoto:RafaVonZuben"data-src="/>RonaldoCaiadoprendsesfonctionsle1erjanvier-Photo:RafaVonZuben"title=https://s2glbimgcom/5-mXSW4W5SccHfwO1Vx7nUoDyNk=/0x0:1560×1040/984×0/smart/filters:strip
Ronaldo Caiado takes office on January 1 – Photo: Rafa [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] Von Zuben
On this issue, the government of Goiás announced that He had removed the November sheet and had already started paying the December sheet to 10 agencies, agencies and states. In addition, it is expected that the Treasury will raise 1 billion rubles until January 10.
Also on the subject, the Association of Magistrates of the State of Goiás (Asmego) declared itself "concerned" by the statement of Caiado and indicated that "the change of direction Does not allow the non-respect of their obligations, especially as regards wages ". two servers. "
Priorities and relations with Bolsonaro
The elected governor announced that he would administer" for all Goias "and defined three priority areas.
" Our actions will be transparent while struggling against corruption and by giving satisfaction in serving, in particular, the most deprived regions of the day, giving priority to health, public safety and education, by maintaining social programs ",
Regarding the agreement with President-elect Jair Bolsonaro and his government team, Caiado said the relationship between them had been going on for a long time.
"It will be total, our relationship , our coexistence, our relationship, it is a longstanding relationship, it is a government where I am in relation with the whole team of ministers.
He also emphasized that this proximity can help Goias overcome his financial problems.
"Goiás is a state that has the capacity to overcome its difficulties, which is what I told the minister Paulo Guedes: I need a mandate, he told me It takes a little time to know how to cut is even more in the flesh, let's cut into the bone, "he says.
The preparations for the possession of Ronaldo Caiado are already finalized [title="ThepreparationsforthepossessionofRonaldoCaiadoarealreadyfinalized"
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