Russia opens an investigation against Brazilians who harassed women – Sports


Ministry of the Interior of Russia
has accepted the denunciation of the activist Alyona Popova. Fans can be fined
or even forbidden to enter the country

The Russian Interior Ministry opened an official investigation into the Brazilians who filmed a woman in Moscow in the early days of the World Cup.

The government's decision was a response to the complaint filed by Russian lawyer and activist Alyona Popova. In a letter addressed to him, the Moscow police said that she had opened the investigation.

The document to which the state report had access is Monday (2) and indicates that a special file was given to the case,

Alyona Popova had asked the government that "foreign citizens should publicly apologize, and for the girl, and all Russian citizens face badism, lack of respect for the laws of the Russian Federation, disrespect for a Russian citizen, insults , the humiliation of the honor and dignity of a group of people according to their bad. "

If the Brazilians are found guilty, they may be liable to fines or fines. 39, prohibition to return to Russian territory

In the letter to the government dated June 20, Popova quotes articles of the Russian law indicating punishments for humiliation or insult. In this case, the fine can reach 3 thousand rubles (R $ 175). It is also possible that Brazilians are accused of badual violence and abuse in public order.

Offensive Video

In the video, which is currently the subject of an investigation, men have been convicted of criminal responsibility, requesting a woman who does not understand Portuguese to repeat a sentence with cool terms.

But this was not the only case, in different publications available on the Internet fans proffer badist insults against young people or children of different nationalities , asking

– Incidents, insults or harbadment are not in the statistics of .

Incident, insults or harbadment are not in COL statistics. I've only seen positive statistics up here and what I see here is not a big problem. Of course, we demand respect, no matter whether it is men, women or children and we have the common sense of all. We want respect to be a common behavior to all those who accompany the World Cup.

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