Russia: What are the witches who support Vladimir Putin with rituals and political prayers | World


Gathered, women dressed in hoods and black robes, wearing a red mystical symbol on their backs, bow and make a moment of silence. His leader goes to the center and begins to sing prayers with political slogans. "May he come with greatness, the power of Russia, correctly guide the path of Vladimir Putin in my prayer." Breathe, Mother Earth, embracing Russia everywhere, says the self-proclaimed leader of the group, Alyona Polyn.

As the other women make gestures of agreement, she continues: "Oh, primordial power, let those who hate Russia return to the abyss Let Russia rise and move away poverty and poverty and the coming days open doors of happiness ".

These women are part of the "Empire of the Most Powerful Witches", an occult group of Russian witches who often perform "magical power circles" to demonstrate their support for the country and its president.

The last meeting took place on Tuesday in the central part of the Russian capital, Moscow. The patriotic and Putin invocations that permeated the ceremony were reported by several vehicles.

"It must first and foremost support the government and Vladimir Putin," said one of the witches, Yulia.

Another member of the group told the Reuters news agency: "Our country is going through a difficult period and we would like to support the president with the help of our powers. We want the villains [que atacam Putin] are silent".

Her leader, Polyn, defines herself as the group's main witch, founder of the Empire and heiress of ancestral wisdom. She told Russian vehicles that her ceremonies were always meant to show her support for the country and the president, "since he is the face of Russia". He also said that a witch should never talk about Putin's evil.

The event and its publication in the press aroused criticism from the opposition sectors because, on the same day, the authorities of the country sentenced a Danish Jehovah's Witness to a religious denomination considered an "extremist" and banned organization sentenced to six years in prison. in Russia since 2017.

But who are the women of the Empire who, with their rituals and spells, express their unconditional support for the Kremlin?

Who are the witches of the Empire

Jüri Maloverjan, correspondent of the BBC's Russian service, explains that the group consists of dozens of members, mostly women, who adhere to the rituals of Polyn, media country as the "most prominent witch of Moscow".

According to his own knowledge, his knowledge was inherited from his family and served as the basis for the creation of the "largest group of wizards in the country". Its members often appear with other names or use nicknames that refer to magical elements or traditional ingredients of magic, such as Christina Mandrágora.

Although the total number of members remains uncertain, the group defines itself on its site as "the only organization for all actors of magic and witchcraft" in the world and offers services ranging from reading cards from tarot to remedies. against curses or spells to attract love. Prices vary between 80 and 150 dollars in some cases.

Maloverjan says that occultism and all that is related to horoscopes and witchcraft are very popular practices in Russia and very present in its folklore, although they have been frowned upon and even forbidden in the Soviet era. It is estimated that this movement is much more popular in Russia than anywhere else in Western Europe.

So, he says, many have found that it was a way to make money in recent years. According to data from the Russian Ministry of Health, quoted by the Moscow Times newspaper, more than 800,000 Russians served as healers, psychics, psychics and other similar activities in 2017.

  "Our country is going through a difficult time, and we would like to support the president with the help of our powers. We want the wicked [que atacam Putin] to be silent <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "" Our country is facing difficult times, and we would support the president with l help from our powers. We want the [que atacam Putin] villains to be quiet, "said one of the members. Our country is going through a difficult period and we would like to support the president with the help of our powers. We want the wicked [que atacam Putin] to be quiet, "said one of the members – Photo: AFP" data-src = "×549/984×0/ smart / filters (19659018) "Our country is going through a difficult period and we would like to support the […]

The government approval allows the groups to remain legal

But Russian badysts point out that, in the face of the crisis, the restrictions imposed on other denominations and religious cults in Russia, many have seen that demonstrating their support for the government was a means of keeping their legal rites – and also of marketing them.

After the fall of the Soviet regime, the Orthodox Christianity had once again become a reality, the main religion of Russia: it is estimated that 75% of the population practices it, but this does not prevent other sects closer to the national folklore from flourishing.

Putin stays pr ohe leaders of the Orthodox Church, which has, to some extent, forced Ukraine to formally separate from this Christian channel last year.

Maloverjan explains that Putin has never shown an inclination to occult practices, although the support of groups as well as the president guarantees legality.

The Russian president was already prime minister of the country at the beginning of the century and won his last elections in March 2018, with more than 76.69% of the vote, according to official figures. He is in his fourth presidential term until 2024.

And although his popularity has been declining for some time at its historically low level after pension reform, he continues with considerable support in various sectors. Population. . That's why, says Maloverjan, showing that standing next to Putin is a way for groups such as the Empire to get accepted by supporters of the president.

In Russian social networks, many wonder if the Empire uses such political statements to stay in the news and reach more people, to the point of having prayed for US President Donald Trump. The group has also been accused of fooling people with their practices.

This initiative was hailed by Russian official vehicles, who likened witch support to Putin to other protests from other wizarding groups against Trump and his government.

"Witches from around the world have planned a grand ritual against Trump and" all those who instigated "in 2017," recalls RT, who also spoke of a magic ritual to prevent Brett Kavanaugh, nominated by Trump at the Supreme Court of the country. That, at least, did not work. In October of last year, Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate and became the new minister of the highest court in the United States.

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