Russia will investigate the mysterious death of hikers 60 years later | Internationale


The incident of the pbadage Dyatlov – named in honor of Igor Dyatlov, also deceased – is considered one of the greatest mysteries of the recent history of the Russia. This scabrous event has led to foolish theories for years: since they were attacked by runaway prisoners who were killed by KGB members or by extraterrestrials, they also killed themselves. History has given rise to series, movies – like The Mystery of the Pbadage of Death 2013 – and books of all kinds. Sixty years later, the authorities decided to file the case and re-investigate the deaths of nine hikers, all experienced skiers with several kilometers of experience.

The prosecutor's office of Sverdlovsk has reopened. case last Friday. Alexander Kurennoy, a spokesman for the agency, said Tuesday that the criminal investigation was over. "Any possibility of criminal path has been ruled out," he said, according to the Russian news agency Tbad. Investigations continue to determine what happened to the nine skiers.

The case was closed in June 1959. The authorities explained that the investigation into the death of the group was due to the death of this group. "irresistible elemental force". The family members were never satisfied and fought for years to reopen the case. Kurennoy, the prosecutor's spokesman, also explained that it had been decided to reopen the investigation to avoid something similar because the place now known as Dyatlov Pbad – precisely because of the incident – is a place of public access. "If colleagues from the Sverdlovsk region have not established, with the help of experts, the natural phenomena that caused the death of the group of Dyatlov, a similar tragedy could recur", said the prosecutor.

The Incident Archives Mostly because the bodies were found several weeks apart and in a very bad state. But some facts are clear. The young cameras and diaries found among their belongings made it possible to rebuild them. At the end of January 1959, a group of nine young people in their twenties, students and graduates of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (now the Technical University of Yekaterinburg) and their guide started a mountain skiing excursion, Kholat Syakhl, known by the Mansis, the inhabitants, as the mountain of death or the mountain of the dead. Halfway, one of them got sick and came back. The others organized their camp to spend the night from 1 to 2 February in a place 10 km from the destination.

  Sverdlovsk Attorney General Andrei Kurakov, surrounded by journalists while presenting the archives of

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Prosecutor Andrey Kurakov of Sverdlovsk, surrounded by journalists, during the presentation of the archives of "Dyatlov case", Friday in Yekaterinburg. , in Yekaterinburg.

When they saw that the young men were not coming back, the search began. Rescuers found the bodies of five of them at the end of February about 500 meters from one of the tents on a slope. The other four were found in May. The largest tent was torn from the inside. And most of the young men were partially dressed, some without shoes, others with clothes that were not theirs. As if they had left in the middle of the night doing nothing and hurriedly with the first thing they found.

Researchers in the former Soviet Union never determined the cause of death. Only this mysterious "irresistible elemental force". And they closed for three years the path and the surroundings of the place where the events took place. In addition, the records of the case were available for consultation only from the 1990s, the year of the collapse of the former USSR. And incomplete. Some of the independent investigators in the Dyatlov case initially suspected that hikers had been victims of the Mansia ethnicity, the ethnicity that inhabited these lands; although the place where they were found is far from the area considered "sacred" by these residents. Others were murdered by prisoners from a nearby penitentiary, but at that time they could not escape. Anatoli Guschin, a local journalist who had been investigating history for years and was publishing a book on the case, always thought that they had been victims of a Soviet experience of the same year. invention of a new weapon, hence the radiation, reported in his essay

Yuri Yudin, the only survivor of the expedition, always said that he lived with the trauma. Later, he went on to say to the local press: "If I had the opportunity to ask a question to God, it would be:" What happened to my friends tonight- the? "Yudin died in 2013, but maybe the new survey give an answer once and for all

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