Samuca asks for help to see the poison Agnese | come around


Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) was determined to find out who had paid Agnese ( Beatriz Campos ) to poison Moroccoas (Juliana Paiva). He went to jail to talk to his wife and witnessed a desperate scene! The former governess of Sabino Machado broke between her teeth a poisoned capsule that she had hidden in her mouth.

In this chapter 11/12, the impresario of the novel The Time Not Para will ask help from the guards to help Agnese who fainted in front of him. Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) asks for help after seeing Agnese (Beatriz Campos) take a desperate attitude in the novel 'Time For No'. (Photo: TV Globo)) take desperate measures in the novel 'time not to & # 39; – photo: TV Globo "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAPABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFwAAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYHBP / EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDBP / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABkbAiVLNYRqBq6f / EAB0QAAEEAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQMEBRMGERL / 2gAIAQEAAQUCojTBodQjSZjL3gUxdLBsIcftSnZi3Ev / xAAXEQEAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIS / 9oACAEDAQE / AYs0 / 8QAFhEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAER / 9oACAECAQE / ABGP / 8QAJxAAAgIBAgILAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDEQQAEhATIjE0QUJRYYGRouH / 2gAIAQEABj8CZp4TO3gXdtX31PIcPFEXLIFL1n5vSRPg4OTj2TzJht2jv6XprsUX34ZUjKsga7VxYNaaQ0qxrdK KHlWvzX // xAAfEAACAgIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAABIQARMUFhcYGR0fH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hX61nWIz2iLGF2GmhG863CHU1WcABs + U + // Z7SwoRcBpkpiFErm8OlNBznEf // aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQEI xAAYEQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARFBUf / aAAgBAwEBPxCChNiP / 8QAGBEAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEhMWH / 2gAIAQIBAT8Q1J22f // EAB0QAQEAAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAA AAERABAhQVExYfH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QFaQRV5Tl4gj3huO6giQgIJ3DpiMdylNgRC7NCzTm0Ejw5sB5g4HIRVpEr3gfwjwJMIVTDtWrnx2f / 9k = "/>   Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) request of & # 39; help after seeing Agnese (Beatriz Campos) Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) request of & # 39; help after seeing Agnese (Beatriz Campos) take a desperate attitude in the soap opera 'O Tempo Não Para & # 39; - Photo: TV Globo "data-src ="] Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) asks for help. after seeing Agnese (Beatriz Campos) take a desperate stance in the novel 'Time Not For & # 39; - Photo: TV Globo </p>
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When they arrive, he tells them what happened:

"I think she is … .. s & # 39; is poisoned! It was with a capsule between the teeth, I think … It was very fast. "

  Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) warns the guards that Agnese (Beatriz Campos) took a poison in front of her in the novel "O Tempo Não Para". Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) warns the guards that Agnese (Beatriz Campos) took poison in front of her in the novel   Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) warns of the Agnese guards (Beatriz Fields Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) warns the guards that Agnese (Beatriz Campos) took the poison in front of him in the novel 'The Time Not For' There is even a picture internal_photos / bs / 2018 / s / X / Wf9VZeSVeeEjvCLZZUUA / samuca -des-desperais-2-o-tiempo-não-para.p </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) warns the guards that Agnese (Beatriz Campos) took the poison in front of her in the novel "Time Not For" – Photo: TV Globo

"We have to take her to the hospital Urgent!

ALSO READ: Nicolas Prattes and Juliana Paiva record a Samurocas honeymoon on the beach; Agnese (Beatriz Campos) creaks between the capsule of the venom's teeth in the novel "Time Not For" – Photo: TVGLOBO "title =" Agnese (Beatriz Campos) cracks between the d them from "The Time Not For"

   capsule poison teeth in the novel "the time not to & # 39; - photo: TVGLOBO data
  Betina (Cleo) is the director of the movie "The Time Not For". </p>
<div clbad=
  Agnese (Beatriz Campos) killing Betina (Cleo) is the mastermind of the murder of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the soap opera "O Tempo Não Para" - Photo: TV Marisa (Juliana Paiva) in the novel "O Tempo Não Para" - Photo: Globo TV Globo   Betina (Cleo) is the main murder of Marocas (Betina (Cleo) is the mastermind of the murder of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the soap opera "O Tempo Não Para" - Photo: TV Globo "date getting away from the following problems Betina (Cleo) is the mastermind of the murder of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the novel" O Tempo Não Para "- Photo: TV Globo </p>
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It was not long before Marocas went bad and lost consciousness iOS Concerned about her health, the stylist sought medical attention.While doing lab tests, she discovered that she was Samuca quickly deduces that the author was Agnese.He laid the charge to the police, but the woman managed to escape earlier, alerted by Lucius (John Baldbaderini), a friend of Betina.

  Marocas (Juliana Paiva) is poisoned for having conquered the heart of Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) in the ro Man's O Tempo Não Para & # 39; - Photo: TV Globo   Marocas (Juliana Paiva) was a victim of poisoning for having conquered the heart of Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) in the novel 'O Tempo Não Para & # 39; - Photo: TV Globo "title =" Marocas (Juliana Paiva) (Nicolas Prattes) in the novel "The Time Not For" - Photo: TV Globo "data-src =" </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Marocas (Juliana Paiva) was the victim of Poisoning. (19659027) But Samuca acted quickly and put Baron (Rui Ricardo Diaz) in the lineup of Agnese. The housekeeper was found on the run and brought to justice by the businessman, accused of attempted murder.

What will happen to Agnese? Is this the end of Betina's complicit line? Will the business woman leave this ugly unpunished?

Find out what's going to happen in The Time Do not Stop! See more in the summary of the week.

11 Dec


Samuca deduces that Agnese may have been poisoned. Marino accepts Dom Sabino's proposal for the project to clean the Tietê River. Betina asks Mariacarla to keep her informed of Livaldo's tracks. Lucius visits Agnese at the hospital and threatens. Betina deduces that Agnese was poisoned to escape from prison. Betina tells Igor that they should send Agnese from Brazil with fake documents. Agustina tells Carmen that she will not go to the wedding of Moroccoas if she is present. Samuca shows Moroccoas the apartment in which he intends to live with her after their marriage.

Check out the summary of the day and the week!

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