Santa Casa de Assis is urgently looking for blood donors – Assiscity


The Holy House of Assisi makes a popular appeal for donations of blood, mainly of the types A- / B- / AB- / O-.

Edmar Lus de Oliveira, nurse responsible for the hemonucleo, insists on the importance of blood donation and on the low level of stocks. Due to the many surgeries, the blood supply is in a worrying situation, which is why we need a donor emergency.

To donate, just attend the demonstration of the Assis Regional Hospital (Praa Symphrnio Dr. Alves dos Santos, s / n), from 2 to 6 hours, from 7h to 11h.

Being a blood donor is a gesture of solidarity and citizenship: a single gift can save up to three lives.

To donate: just be healthy; between 18 and 65 years old, provided that the first donation was made until 60 years old; weigh at least 50 pounds; to be well nourished; Present the original document with a photo issued by an official representative (ID card, portfolio of works or CNH).

Some reasons that temporarily prevent the donation of blood: cooled (in this case, wait 7 days after the disappearance of symptoms); pregnant parturient: (in this case, it is necessary to wait 90 days after the normal delivery and 180 days after the cesarean section); badfeeding (if the delivery took place less than 12 months); ingested an alcoholic beverage within 12 hours of donation; have performed a tattoo in the last 12 months.

They can not donate: with a history of hepatitis, clinical or biological signs of infectious diseases transmitted by the blood: hepatitis B and C, AIDS virus, badociated diseases to HTLV I and II and Doena de Chagas viruses, users of illegal injectable animals or people infected with Malria.

Men can donate blood 4 times a year, within 60 days, women can give 3 times a year, with an interval of 90 days.

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