Saudi-led forces launched nightly air strikes in the Yemeni capital. An inhabitant describes it (20) as Sunday the worst year since the United Nations is fighting to implement a peace agreement.
A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said his planes had attacked seven military installations used for drone operations in Sanaa, which are being maintained by rival Houthi forces.
The civil war in Yemen, which has been going on for nearly four years and puts the Iran-aligned Houthi movement against the Saudi-backed Abd-Rabu Mansour Hadi government, has killed tens of thousands of people and left millions on the edge of hunger. Al Arabiya radio station, owned by Saudi Arabia, said the nocturnal attacks on the attack included Al-Dulaimi air base, a drone storage facility and a military training center.
[VIDEO] REUTERS / Khaled Abdullah "src =" date: 2008-09-23 08:10:21 (GMT) The remains of a missile guarded by boys after the Saudi attack against Yemen stock photo : REUTERS / Khaled Abdullah "title =" Missile remains after Saudi attack on Yemen: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcEBQYBAv / EABcBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDBAL / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAfFKmtbsMSEpqJ6GHBCCvmFAj // EAB8QAAICAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQFAgMABjUBExQVNP / aAAgBAQABBQKY9ysY9 / HqCdR3pe5KxnRbVY0KIRMjXLWuPmEYy5rYvu2rlM xAAbEQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgEDERJBkf // / // aAAgBAwEBPwFkrsnfA9EN054Qf EAB0RAAICAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQMEETFBQpH / 2gAIAQIBAT8BW2yuITUXIleDt6Nuf // EADMQAAECAwIHEQAAAAAAAAAAAAIBAwAREgQTECEjM1FxwRQiJDEyQUJScnN0gZKhpNHw / 9oACAEBAAY / AnDKoHbtaQc31ZdaC3OL7jk6KwDV + 84sN0 / wjNqD2KaLpnz8UozHzDh hu8Nxy7GoCXkqqTkntAjW4aZMgKVPRSeuHbNaHCyiYxIUnpjOL6YtHjNkWXtLsiy9x94P / 8QAIxABAAEEAAUFAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBEFGh0fBhcZGx8f / aAAgBAQABPyE5ECyRostkNvigi ElrEie1GNKVSHHY0bjnPrXk79MG45Lbpoh6qe4AOAkoxdgmgwwkgiQMhOq + y + / ++ AduGfCc69C D / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABAzL9 xAAbEQEBAQEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMVFxsf // / + aAAgBAwEBPxBijaOYYQA9fbehlQuQhW5jz eeHf / EAB0RAQEAAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACFBEDFRccH / 2gAIAQIBAT8QDvFN7WtW d8SZUZrK1rCFx7Pfx0P + / 8QAHBABAAMAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITFBIGHw / 9oACAEBAAE / 2Q EDmOoAHNUIBrE4GKuiVgyIWWUNGF7kpJZ84IoGQ6Eg0BI2FCqVSRhGQ71zFvFVq7B4r6urq1jl0LJ0wcA1As6yNPj9vAz9 // == "/> [19659006] Boys hold the remains of Missiles after & # 39; attack against Saudi Yemen – Photo: REUTERS / Khaled Abdullah "title =" The remains of a missile remain after the Saudi attack against Yemen – Photo: Reuters / Khaled Abdullah "data-src =" https: // s2 . glbimg.com /
Boys hold the remains of a missile after the Saudi attack on Yemen – Photo: REUTERS / Khaled Abdullah