Saulo Poncio seeks the cancellation of the paternity of the daughter of Letícia Almeida | Famous and TV


Saulo Poncio filed a lawsuit seeking the annulment of the fatherhood of Letícia Almeida's daughter on Friday.

During a conversation with Uol, Leticia's lawyer explained that the initiative had been proposed by the actress herself. , so that the name of the ex-boyfriend is taken from the birth certificate of the child

In the controversial family affair, the actress explained that the real father of his daughter was not the ex-boyfriend, but the concubado. , Jonathan Couto, married to Sarah Poncio, sister of Saulo

The actress accuses Jonathan of having raped the night of the child's design and also placed Sarah and Saul's parents in front of the court, accusing them of aggression. , injuries, damage and de facto roads. The process takes place in the secrecy of justice.

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