Scientists may have solved the mystery of dark matter and black energy


It is possible that scientists from Oxford have solved one of the greatest mysteries of the universe and one of the most intriguing questions of modern physics: dark matter and dark energy. According to the article published by the team, both can be a single phenomenon: a fluid that has a "negative mbad". Yet team theory can prove a prediction made by Albert Einstein 100 years ago.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are the names given to the unknown material and the unknown energy that the observations indicate as existing in the cosmos and which can represent up to 95% of the total mbad of the body. ;universe. But as we can not see this matter and this energy, the subject is still the subject of many discussions and remains a mystery to solve – a mystery that can now be solved.

At the moment, we do not know how dark matter and black energy are, physically speaking, because the current model of the universe (the so – called LambdaCDM) does not. do not explain the phenomena. All we know about them comes from the attractive effects they have on other types of material, physically observable.

Already with the new model proposed by Dr. Jamie Farnes, an astrophysicist from the Department of Engineering Sciences of the Oxford Electronic Research Center, we have a new explanation. The scientist says that "we now think that dark matter and black energy can be unified in a fluid that repels all other materials that surround them" and "although this subject is our own, it suggests that the cosmos is symmetrical in "positive" and "negative" quantities.

This "negative mbad fluid" would behave in the opposite way to all conventional materials: by pushing it, it would accelerate toward you instead of the opposite direction. Farnes' theory also provides correct predictions of the behavior of dark matter halos.Most galaxies rotate so fast that in theory they should be torn apart, but as this is not the case, it is suggested that there is a invisible halo of dark matter that holds them together.

One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein provided the first clue to the "dark" universe when he developed a parameter in his equations, which he called the "cosmological constant", which we know now is dark energy. The physicist has even described his cosmological constant as "greater error", although modern astrophysical observations prove that it is a true phenomenon. And earlier approaches to those of Farnes attempted to modify Einstein's theory of general relativity, while the new approach ended up combining the two old ideas compatible with the theory of the famous theoretical physicist (negative mbades and creation of the material).

The result is rather beautiful: dark energy and dark matter can be unified into one substance, both effects being simply explicable by the question of the positive mbad surfing in a sea of ​​negative mbades ", said the However, Farnes admits that the negative mbad theory may not be correct, but hopes that if future observations confirm its veracity, it could provide a new model for further explaining the mysteries of the universe.

Evidence from his theory will emerge from tests conducted with a radio telescope called Square Kilometer Array (SKA). "I'm looking forward to seeing if this new extended version of LambdaCDM can match exactly with other evidence observing our cosmology, "said Farnes.

Source: Science Daily

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