Maranhão Secretary of Culture and Tourism Diego Galdino said that the decision to suspend flights between São Luís and Rio de Janeiro was reserved exclusively for Latam and not because of the state government . was broadcast on social networks
Galdino said that Latam had suspended its flights because of the serious economic, fiscal and public security situation of the state and the capital, Rio de Janeiro. "The state has several months of salary arrears for retirees, retirees and general employees, who do not pay their suppliers.This has affected the flow of tourists from the business and leisure sectors , forcing the company to make the decision to end direct flights from Rio to several capitals, "said the secretary.
Diego Galdino also pointed out the networks. social, actions developed to encourage tourism in Maranhão. According to him, the government of Maranhão created in 2015 a decree providing for a tax waiver, reducing the rate from 25% to 12% (operating in two airports in Maranhão) and reaching 7% (three or more airports), in accordance with [19659002Healsospokeofthe"unpleasantsituation"inwhichtheairportofSãoLuíshadbeenfound"UnfortunatelyafteralmostadecadeofreformsINFRAEROdeliveredanairportinfarfromidealconditionsnewterminalswithoutfingers(inacitywhereitrainsnearlysixmonthsintheyears)andnostructurefortheFixedinternationalflightsoperationrequiringanadvanceofnearlyonemonthofcontactwiththeFederalPoliceandtheFederalTaxbyeachoperationBydecisionoftheGovernorFlávioDinowediscussthepolicyofsettingupofregionalflightsforthefirsttimeinourstateandwearealreadynegotiatingwithsomecompaniestosetupaninternalnetworkconsideringtheleisureandbusinessbetweenseveralmunicipalitiesofMaranhão"saidthesecretaryLATAMAirlinesBrasilinformsthattheoperationsonthe7weeklyfrequenciesoftheSãoLuís-RiodeJaneiro/GaleãolinkinSãoPauloaresuspended
LATAM insists that it is attentive to the needs of customers to initiate, expand or adapt their operations, and the flights are constantly evaluated according to the demand of each region. São Luís and the region continue to have direct access to the capital, Rio de Janeiro, via links to Brasília and São Paulo.
Any change that can be confirmed in its network is communicated in advance by the company.
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