Simaria enjoys a five-star hotel with $ 5,000 a day before singing again – Who


  Simaria enjoys a five-star spring family. "Height =" 620 "src =" Simaria enjoys five-star spring with the Simaria family enjoys five springtime with the Simaria family enjoys of five spring with Simaria family enjoys five springtime with Simaria family enjoying five springtime with Simaria family enjoying five springtime with Simaria family enjoying last month's stylish vacation, with family at luxurious Four Seasons Resort in Maldives, a night at the hotel five stars not to be missed. (19659003) Station in which Simaria is hosted in the Maldives (Photo Gallery) </p>
<div clbad=  Station in which Simaria stays in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) / / / / / / / / (19659002) In a conversation with the WHO, on the night of Saturday 30, at the VillaMix Festival, Simone, who continues to perform without the sister, since she was diagnosed with tuberculosis, revealed that Simaria is already dated. The two are singing together again from August 9, in Espaço das Américas, São Paulo.

"It's as if I'd jumped 24 hours and jumped with joy and giving glory to God, for that reason, because my brother, the bond we have is so great, When the new from the illness came, the world sank, I said, "And now, God, how is it going to happen, have I stopped or continued "I've done these questions at some concerts, and fans have told me to keep following them," she recalls.

Simone blows up happily after her sister returns. " When the news comes back, you begin to see that God is putting everything back in place and starting to thank you. "And now we will continue with more wisdom, quality, and health, so from now on we will do three shows a week, only Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and the rest of the week is with the family, "revealed Simone.

  Station in which Simaria is hosted in the Maldives "height =" 410 "src =" Station in which Simaria is hosted in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Station in which Simaria stay in the Maldives "height =" 778 "sr c =" " title = "Station where Simaria is staying (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) </label></div>
<div clbad=  Place of residence of Simaria in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) <label clbad= Place of residence of Simaria in the Maldives (Photo: Instagram)" height = " 779 "src =" "title =" Resort where Simaria Séjo urn in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "
  hosted in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Station in which Simaria stays in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Beach resort where Simaria lives in M ​​aldivas (Photo: Reproduction / Ins tagram) "height =" 1102 "src =" Complex in which Simaria stays at Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Beach resort where Simaria lives in the Maldives. "Height =" 1102 "src =" Simaria Resort is hosted in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)
  Seaside resort where houses Simaria in the Maldives "height =" 1102 "src =" "title =" Re (19659008) Station in which Simaria is hosted in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) </label></div>
<div clbad=  Station where Simaria is hosted in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) "height =" 1102 "src =" og / ed / f / original / 2018/07 The Simaria Resort is located in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram) <label clbad= Simaria Resort is located in the Maldives (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram))
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