STJ sends criminal case against Pimentel for electoral justice in Minas Gerais | Minas Gerais


The process refers to the acronym operation, performed by the Federal Police. She is investigating a money laundering program in election campaigns involving the media and the media. The governor of Minas Gerais, Fernando Pimentel (PT), is suspected of having used the services of a printing press during the 2014 election campaign without proper declaration of values ​​and to have received "benefits" improper ".

According to the STJ, it is also question of whether there was traffic of influence by Pimentel when he was Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, post qu & # 39; He held between January 2011 and February 2014.

According to the complaint, Pimentel allegedly granted a loan from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) to the JHSF construction company, responsible for the Catarina airport, in São Roque, in the region metropolitan São Paulo. The amount would have been used as compensation for the lobby that Pimentel had made so that the group could operate at the airport.

Benjamin's decision follows the decision of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) on June 20. The court will judge governors only in cases of crimes committed during the term and related to the exercise of the post.

"Thus, I acknowledge the incompetence of the STJ to prosecute and judge, as of 21/06/2018, the governor of the State of Minas Gerais for the crimes contained in the complaint and, under the precept of Article 35, paragraph II, of the Electoral Code, I order the referral of these documents to the free distribution to one of the electoral areas of Belo Horizonte / MG ", said the minister in her decision.

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