Summary of "Second Sun": next chapters of the drama from 9 to 14 July



Karola (Deborah Secco) protests when Valentim (Danilo Mesquita) turns to watch ready to present the song that Beto / Miguel (Emilio Dantas) did for Luzia / Ariella (Giovanna Antonelli). Icarus (Chay Suede) and Manuela (Luisa Arraes) decide to see themselves in the presentation of Luzia / Ariella. Icarus and Rosa (Leticia Colin) are spied on by Laureta (Adriana Esteves). Remy (Vladimir Brichta) arrives near Luzia / Ariella. Wanting to know the secret of Luzia / Ariella that Laureta has idea, Rosa goes after Galdino (Narcival Rubens). Rémy and Rosa decide to combine to face Laureta. The father's song is shown in Luzia / Ariella by Valentine. In the locker room, Icarus sees images of Luzia / Ariella and at the same time Manuela stands behind the DJ. Luzia / Ariella leaves Groa (André Dias) in distress. Icarus and Luzia / Ariella Brigam. Valentine becomes jealous by catching Rosa and Remy together. Gorete (Thalita Carauta) ensures that the Beto Falcão fan club will be reactivated. Karen (Maria Luisa Mendonca) is humiliated by Severo (Odilon Wagner) and Edgar (Caco Ciocler). Icarus went after her, reveals Luzia a Cacau (Fabíula Nascimento). The legitimate name of DJ Ariella is told to Icarus to his sister.


Ícaro does everything to rebadure Manuela, who is out of his mind. Maura (Nanda Costa) appears in the house of Ionan (Armando Babaioff) and Doralice (Roberta Rodrigues) to have a meal next to Selma (Carol Fazu). Icarus hides from Laureta what he already knows about Luzia / Ariella. Doralice asks Maura and Selma a series of questions and leaves Ionan clumsy. Edgar and Karen fight. Roberval (Fabricio Boliveira) does everything for Cacau to agree to return. Clóvis (Luis Lobianco) badures that he will badume the paternity of Badu (Davi Queiroz) and leaves Dodo (José de Abreu) ​​terrified. Severus disapproves of Edgar's attitudes. Roberval encourages Karen to not stop being her employee. She is the daughter of DJ Ariella, says Manuela to Zefa (Claudia di Moura). Edgar goes after Cacau. In the locker room, Valentine arranges a place not to be seen when Manuela goes behind Luzia / Ariella. Cocoa kisses Edgar. Gorete is sent by Clovis to the place where Beto Falcao lived. Edgar badumes his pbadion for cocoa. Luzia / Ariella is comforted by Valentim when the boy leaves the place where he is hiding.


Valentim is close to Luzia / Ariella. Whoever spoke to Luzia / Ariella, Manuela reports to his brother. Groa decides to direct Luzia / Ariella to Father Didico (João Acaiabe). Beto / Miguel and Karola date, but he stays in thought with Luzia / Ariella. Beto / Miguel supports Valentines to write a song. Luzia composes on the song of Beto / Miguel. Cacau and Roberval put on make-up. For having humiliated the woman, Edgar gets the support of Rochelle (Giovanna Lancellotti). What Luzia says, Zefa tells Manuela that everything is true. Laureta's demands make Icarus protest. Clovis is afraid Gorete will know that Beto Falcon is not dead. Gorete badures the Beto family that he spoke with the spirit of the artist. Laureta and Karola talk about Luzia and Rosa. Nice (Kelzy Ecard) disapproves Maura's thought of being a mother. Ionan advances to Viana ( Carlos Betão ) when the delegate harbades Maura in his office. What she heard Laureta and Karola speak, Rosa refers to Icarus


What Rosa says leaves Icarus tormented. Maura asks for help to defeat Viana and Ionan. In the Luzia consultation, Father Didico throws shells. Valentine hears Karola's protest for playing the father's song at Luzia / Ariella. At the hospital, Ionan receives help from Maura and Doralice is unhappy. Selma is arrested when she complains to Viana. The music that he wrote for the melody of Beto / Miguel is shown in Valentim by Luzia / Ariella. Edgar wants the woman to stop being the employee of his brother. Luzia / Ariella notes that she has things in common with Valentim. Roberval goes out of his way to behave comfortably with his mother. Icarus is nervous to see Rosa be punished by Laureta after the pimp said that she met Karola. Rochelle makes Severus sing when he learns where his grandfather saves money. Beto / Miguel wants to be introduced to Ariella for endorsing the music that she has written for her melody. Dodo received help from Nestor (Francisco Cuoco). Goreta told Clovis to have spoken again with the spirit of Beto. Maura proves that Ionan and Doralice are fighting each other. Maura and Selma are girlfriends, says Viana to Agenor (Roberto Bonfim)


At the police station, Agenor makes a cabin, revolted by what Viana told him. Icarus can no longer live with Laureta, pleads her sister. To free Selma, Viana and Maura make a deal. Icarus takes it to Karola. Maura is thrown out of the house. As for Luzia, Karola lacks the truth for Icarus. Karola is interviewed by Beto / Miguel when he catches Icarus leaving his house. In front of the house of Dodo, Gorete and more admirers of Beto arm standby. Edgar must speak to Manuela, Zefa said. Severus gives Rochelle conditions to enter the place where he is hiding. Roberval leaves Cacau stunned. Ionan confronts the woman. Maura is sheltered by Selma.


Ionan goes after Remy to discover the truth after the father cowered while trying to justify himself. For Icarus, Katianadrea (Camila Lucciola) tells of things that Laureta knows. Laureta fights with Icarus after catching Rosa's attention. Severus catches Rochelle by surprise. Beto / Miguel decides to look for Icarus after asking Rosa some questions about him. Icarus followed her, Karola told Laureta. Beto / Miguel helps Icaro when the boy leaves Laureta's house. The parents are surprised after Severus has decided something about Rochelle. Beto / Miguel questions Karola after telling Icarus that she has missed the truth. Karola is furious when Beto / Miguel tells his son that he has to help Rosa finish what she owes to Laureta. He has help from Beto / Miguel, said Icarus to Cocoa. Rosa leaves the brothel facing Laureta. Edgar asks if Cacau wants to be his girlfriend.

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