The Globe shows on Wednesday 01/08 another chapter of the novel "Pride and Pbadion" . Check the summary:
Charlotte is taken by the police and Elisabeta leaves for the police station. Kléber concludes that Charlotte lies on the paternity of the crime. Josephine handles Fani. Luccino challenges Otavio to a fencing duel. Lídia decides to move to Uirapuru
Camilo has the idea of starting his professional life again. Ludmila says that he will return to the presidency of the factory. Lydia agrees to go home with Mariana.
"Pride and Prejudice: Brazilian Lives", from 18:30 on the Globe
More information:
and Pbadion ": Susana will be kidnapped by Olegário
Re-registration of the Team "Pride and Pbadion" in Carrancas, MG
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