Super Smash Bros. Ultimate receives the update ver. 2.0.0 – Piranha Factory, Balancing Fighters, More • Switch Brazil
Nintendo today released a new update that retakes the game. Super Smash Bros.
In addition to balancing different characters and being able to play in Spirit Board mode with up to four players, the game has received Piranha Plant as a playable character.
Learn more about the next update.
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
You can play on the blackboard with up to four players
- Select the spirit you want to challenge on the mind board, go to Group Options ⇒ Fighter to select the number of people you want to play. When you play with multiple people, you lose the battle if a player is defeated (knockout).
The following spirits will soon appear in the shop:
- Partner Pikachu
- Partner Eevee
- Dice
- [Plante Dodge Piranha]
- Fixed an issue in which the KO score included KOs of his teammates.
- Fixed a problem related to KO scores. when Team Attack was active
- Game Balance Settings
- Several Bug Fixes
- Specific settings for each fighter.
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