Function allows the user to securely maintain personal data in the cloud
more_horiz access_time chat_bubble_outline and storage of documents "/> Telegram Telegram launched this Friday (19) The message request also becomes a system of Unified authorization for services requiring personal identification The technology also allows the submission of personal data such as documents, photos, address, phone numbers and credit card It is possible to create a pbadword as sso to enter the Pbadport function, but Telegram guarantees that it does not have access to the data and that each file is stored with end-to-end encryption end. According to the company, the user will send the data to the cloud and, if necessary, share the information directly with the identification services such as financial applications, banks, companies and websites in general. In the future, the company will promise a decentralized cloud. To access this feature, you need to download the latest version of the application on mobile phones Android and Apple .
27 Jul 2018, 20:03
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