Temer calls for integration with Africa, but leaves the BRIC meeting without listening to Africans


SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – President Michel Temer called for greater economic integration with African countries in his latest participation in the Brics Summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). He however left the session ahead of a series of speeches from continental countries invited to the meeting by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

"Brazil is linked to Africa through history, culture and culture. This is not a coincidence if our rapprochement with Africa is a permanent priority for us, "said Temer at a conference bringing together the Brics Plus – including Turkey, Argentina and Jamaica this year – and the African countries invited by Ramaphosa [19659002InsondiscourseTemeracityof"uncreativeactions"undertakenbyBraziltoapproachAfricafromtheconstructionofalaboratoryforthediagnosisoftuberculosisinSaoTomeandPrincipeandinvestmentagreementswithMozambiquelinAngolaandMalawiandEthiopia

"But the potential to be exploited is still huge, "continued the president. "We have ongoing negotiations with Tunisia and Morocco, and we are also ready to expand our agreement with the Customs Union of Southern Africa."

Temer also advocated greater Brazilian cooperation in the training of military personnel of peacekeepers. At the Johannesburg Summit, South Africa proposed to the BRICs the establishment of a working group on the subject.

"Brazil looks to Africa with the determination to undertake projects that bring us closer together for Africa – and for the countries represented here, with friendship and a sense of the future. "

Temer left the session soon after the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin before the speeches of the leaders of Brics Plus and the 22 African countries invited. Putin, Ramaphosa and Chinese Presidents Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India remained until the end of the session.

He was replaced at the Office of the BRICS Heads of State by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aloyisio Nunes, and embarked for Brazil around 12:20 pm local time (07:20 Brasília time).

The president has anticipated his return to the country, originally scheduled for Saturday (28). His program included the inauguration of a training center at Embraer Friday in Johannesburg, but the facilities were not ready.

During his stay in South Africa, Temer held bilateral meetings with Ramaphosa and Chinese President Xi Jinping, who called for the removal of barriers to Brazilian exports of sugar and chicken

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