Temer says the election period will not paralyze the government


<img src = "http://imgsapp.diariodepernambuco.com.br/app/noticia_127983242361/2018/07/03/756467/20180703120338603025i.jpg" alt = "Temer in the elections, Temer defends the industrialists the continuity of its shape to govern Photo: Marcos Corra / PR / President Michel Temer said Tuesday that the election period would not paralyze the government, but admitted that he would have no more time to carry out the Taxation and social security reforms in his administration, as he wished

"I will not have time, but that does not mean that the government will be paralyzed as they say. "We will continue to do this, we have several plans," he said, citing as an example of new measures Monday's inclusion of five other projects in the government's concession plan approved by the PPI [19659002] With an eye on the election, Temer has defended the industry's continuity of form to govern and also said that the country "is not built in one or two years, but in many, and there can be no interruption. "

" I know that this meeting has an eye on the future.We only have two years of government and, let's face it, there was opposition natural and legitimate, sometimes exaggerated at the beginning of our government, but we went ahead and we dared.

Temer participated in the opening ceremony of the national meeting of the. Industry (Enai) 2018 in Brasília in the morning of this Tuesday, the theme of the meeting is "Brazil 2019-2022: L "Industry and the new government." On Wednesday 4, the event will bring together pre-candidates for the presidency of the republic

In his speech, Temer said that the government has guaranteed the approval of "fundamental" measures such as high school reform and labor reform through dialogue. "The dialogue is erased over time, whether with Congress or with society."

According to Temer, although it was not able to approve the social security reform, he has included the topic in the political agenda in a definitive way. For the President,

Regarding tax reform, Temer said that there was resistance to the issue, which was often perceived as "prejudicial". For the development? simplification.


The President defended in this one that, more than independent, the Three Powers must be harmonic to each other as determined by the Constitution. "It is what the Constitution speaks about harmony between the Powers, on the grounds that the power is not ours, it is the people." When there is disharmony, there is unconstitutionality. "

Temer saluted the speech of the president of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Robson Andrade, who preceded him and argued that the next government will have to fight against the Legal uncertainty. "It is incredible that politics does not have the necessary harmony with the judiciary so that Brazil can continue to grow," said Andrade.

Temer emphasized that "we all want security".

The emedebista said that "we talk a lot about abuse of power" today and that type of abuse He was born when "you go to- beyond the limits of constitutions. " "Unfortunately, there has been some insecurity that does not lead to a precise path," criticized the emedebista

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