Tesla reaches five thousand cars a week and Elon Musk celebrates


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Tesla has finally reached the mark of five thousand 3 model units manufactured per week and is now "a true badembler". The words were uttered by founder Elon Musk in an email sent to company employees this weekend, which could also mark the beginning of a recovery of what the CEO himself has called a "hell" a few months ago

The dream label was reached in a few hours, but it was still worthy of celebration. Tesla's intention was to close the month of June with a rate of five thousand vehicles a week, but the car that was missing to close that record successfully left the last quality checks at 5 pm Sunday in the United States . It was the weekend, so for the automaker it was time to celebrate and, above all, look for a future that looks more positive.

Now the goal is even more ambitious, since even before reaching the current total, Musk had already declared his ambition to reach the mark of six thousand cars a week at the end of the month of April. 39; August. The email, then, is more than a celebration, but also a message of encouragement to employees, that goals set by management are possible even if they are laborious

. Musk has included in his e-mail the reminder that other car models are in the expectations, such as the S model and the X model, with seven thousand units of both, in total, leaving Tesla units. More and more, the idea of ​​the company is to achieve a mbad production level and large scale, to withstand the very strong consumer demand for electric vehicles.

More than all this, the message of Musk already brings relief It seems that the company finally comes out of what the founder himself called "the hell of production". These are the words that he uttered strangely in the internal launch of Model 3, telling employees that they should be preparing for complicated times that will last about six months. However, more than a year later, this torment seems to have ended

. The good news should now help regain investor confidence. Tesla shares have risen 40% since April, rebounding at the lowest level in their history thanks to the confidence that the automaker could catch up. Musk's letter should serve as proof that this potential is not only realizable but real.

Information from sources related to the workshop cited a great commemoration when the number five thousand vehicle left the production line, but also, great tension until that happens. Employees from other units and sectors would be transferred to the Model 3 teams, while the potential automation desired by Musk would be less than desired by the company's executives.

Announced in March 2016, the Tesla 3 model is considered the entry-level model for the company, and also, responsible for the largest number of pre-sales in its history. According to data from the automaker, more than 450,000 units were purchased in advance by enthusiasts, and the company is now struggling to meet them all to try to put the car on the market and to progress in sales


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