Thaila Ayala delighted with the text of farewell for her pet


Having a pet is delicious.

In an emotional message, this time it's only at the end of the day, that it's only at the time of departure that they left a huge void in the chest.

She wrote a true declaration of love for the pet:

"I will never forget how you chose me, the great party and her eyes shining with love when he saw me!
I could not take you home. You were like a baby who needed attention all the time, I was tired, I ate half of the house and I gave as many houses as I could to eat them all.
With time you calmed down a bit to stop eating shoes and you decided to be a vegetarian, you could not see anything from green leaving the fridge that was crazy if it was rocket then the little eyes came. I will never forget the day that I came back sad, in tears and you waited at the door, accompanied me to the sofa sitting next to me in a peace never seen before and started to lick my tears. You really were only love, it was so much love for everything and for everyone who wanted to take it away. He was not very nice to dogs, though he thought the pit bull was the strongest of all, no matter how small or breed of any dog ​​that approached him, we were already expelled from certain places because of that. I have never seen a dog so similar to the owners, face of a fucinho on the other, hungry, impulsive, anxious, and even when he wanted to show that love still gave a blow on people with the stupidity and intensity of it, like me! Rs
It looks like it's really coming out of my belly. My son, happy heaven, meet my father, there was the one who taught me to love, who will take good care of you! Thank you Paulo for taking care of you so much of it time that I could not be here. You were a damn dad !!! Thank you Lara for all the care and love in this difficult time!
I love you little monster! I love you forever! INFINITE GRATITUDE having lived every second on your side! "

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