The agents are riot hostages at the Custody House in Curitiba


More than 24 hours after the start of the riot at the Curitiba Custody House (CCC), four prisoners remain hostage in the prison unit. After a tumultuous day, negotiations with the leaders of the 172 detainees were suspended late Monday afternoon (2), and, according to the Paraná Prison Department (Depen), should resume the morning of

Rebels demand transfer seven other detainees at the House of the Custody. "The urgency of these inmates to obtain the transfer of the others exists because they are all death knights by factions.The CCC is one of the only places where there is There are no members of these factions, "says Omar Campos da Silva Jr., lawyer of some prisoners.According to the lawyer, the context that caused the situation began about two months ago, when judicial decisions were taken for the return of the detainees to Curitiba and that they were not respected.

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Ricardo de Carvalho Miranda, president of the Union of Prison Officers of Paraná (Sindarspen) explains that the four hostages have not been physically badaulted, only psychologically, and that the situation is being controlled. Miranda criticized the lack of investment by the Paraná government in the prison system. "The state government has made a policy of not investing in the prison system, allowing the whole situation to precarious, and now the actors working inside the penitentiaries end up suffering"

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A hostage came to be released throughout the day, and according to Depen, he left with minor injuries. The release was the counterpart of the transfer of one of the detainees, who came from Ponta Grossa later that Monday. Negotiations are conducted through the Special Operations Battalion (Bope).


Still according to Paraná television, a principle of trouble occurred during the afternoon, when one of the prisoners telephoned the woman, who was outside CCC. "They threaten the prisoners, if they do not deliver, they will come in and kill everyone," the detainee said.

However, for the captain of the military police Márcio Roberto da Silveira, the rebellion draws to a close. According to him, the requests of the prisoners would have been heard and accepted but not yet satisfied.

"The situation is progressing peacefully, the demands of the mutineers have been badyzed and, as far as possible, will be considered, but not immediately, but as soon as possible all the manifestations and demands will be taken into account. transfer of some prisoners from inside who are members of the "Paraná Mafia", a criminal faction, because these detainees would be threatened inside the state and in the sight of the mutineers of the The other inland penitentiaries, for their part, would be controlled by the criminal organization of the State of São Paulo (PCC)

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