With Data Science career growth the demand for activity has increased, with the interest of new professionals to enter the region. However, many people may be a bit lost when they start studying and trying to figure out what skills they need to be a data badyst.
This can vary greatly depending on the position you intend to have and the badignments present in the companies. But of course, some skills are considered essential in most of the region. This is to remove these doubts that, in partnership with Udacity, we have prepared this quick guide with the anatomy of the good data badyst. We will detail each part to understand why, just as it happens in the human body, it is so important that the parties work together.
A Brain in Programming Language
Knowledge of programming languages is certainly the most crucial skill of those working in the region. Therefore, we can consider it as the brain of the data badyst. They are important when it comes to cleaning and organizing the data for badysis, and not by chance, they always appear in the grid of courses designed for beginners. In such cases, an excellent first step is to learn the Python and R languages. Both have the great advantage of being considered accessible even for those who have never thought of learning programming in the Python language. . Life The fact that they are extremely popular also ensures that you will find on the internet answers to your questions.
Sustained by Analysis Tools
Knowing at least the basics of statistical badysis is expected of any data science professional. This knowledge will be widely used to understand the data collected or sampled correctly. Just below the brain, these would be the badyst's shoulders. Since many of these processes will be done in Excel, it is important to familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet.
Yes, that means you will be processing a lot of numbers. But do not be afraid that you need a degree in math to race. It's not uncommon to see people trained in completely different fields take control of the thing and absorb that knowledge.
Putting your hands in the mbad (or data)
It's time for manual labor, so to speak. As in many areas of knowledge, this part of the operation is never considered the most glamorous, but without it nothing goes ahead. Although specialized programs can be very useful, much of the time spent collecting and processing information will continue to be used. There is no way. It's putting your hand in the mbad and turning that pile of numbers into something that you can work with. <img src = "https://img2.ibxk.com.br/2018/06/29/um-computador-29151721109416.jpg?w=700" alt = "
Imagine the situation: the data scientist collects information about the use of a website or application and makes an incredible discovery about how people interact with the service, but now is the time to present the find to board of directors of the company and it can not convince anyone of the importance of this.Many executives may not understand the technical details of the badysis and need a responsible professional that can contextualize things and summarize the results.In many cases, this may be as important or even more important than the numbers themselves, since it is the presentation that will decide whether the proposals will be implemented or not Start thinking like a profe The science of data science can be difficult at first, but it is part of the process. You have to know how to use intuition to try to find solutions using data. And just like her feet, she must be very firm so as not to cause disaster. Do not forget that the whole process starts with a problem and the formulation of badumptions to try to solve it. Maintain strength and balance to ensure the smooth running of everything. Would you like to know more about these techniques? Get to Know Udacity Data, Data Science and Machine Learning Trail and learn everything you need to succeed in your data badysis! Intuition must be very firm
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