Released in 2015, Windows 10 receives a new update every six months, which always introduces new features or adaptations. As these months go by, smaller minor updates are released to make significant corrections to the operating system.
The last major novelty came with the update of April a few months ago. Among the news, we had the Chronology function, which gives you a chronological list with all the files and programs open during the day.
AdDuplex frequently polls to identify the most commonly used versions of the operating system. In the most recent, it was discovered that the April update is present in more than 10 of the world's Windows 10 computers.
They are, more precisely, 78%. Thus, it becomes the most used of all. Shortly after, the second most important is the update of the creators of autumn, with 15.7%, followed by far by the birthday update, with 2.5%. After her, we see Creators Update with 2.4%.
Microsoft revealed earlier this month that the April update has touched more than 250 million users and said use artificial intelligence to handle the experience of Deployment of the new version to optimize things for the user. ] Apparently, there have been some good results, such as a 20% reduction in system stability and driver issues, faster updates, a reduction in your device's downtime, and even more. at 63% connection improvements up to 40-50%.
The next major update, Redstone 5, is under development and testing in the Windows Insider program. However, it is unclear what the new features will be or when they will be officially released.
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