thanks to the talent of Messi. However, when they faced France in the round of 16, they again tried to overcome the difficulties on the basis of race, but were beaten from 4 to 3.
Argentine newspapers highlighted Sunday the end of 39, a promising generation that ends its cycle without winning a relevant title. Clarín printed on the cover: "The end of the Messi generation". And he continues: "The team lost 4 to 3 against a France that was superior and with a brilliant Mbappé."
Messi Mascherano and Biglia's Cup end without the Sampaoli team. O
the country's leading sports daily, writes: "We are not the best in the world". "France was far superior and eliminated Argentina, but only 4 to 3 because of the team's heart, an obvious end to a process full of nonsense in the administrative and sports management, Mascherano and Biglia pull out of the national team.Sampaoli failed, but he wants to follow, "he continued.
Regarding Messi, he commented: "Having the best does not make us better."
The The Nacion emphasized "O we are not the best of the world ". Worse World of a Messi who may not have any chance anymore. "Regarding the team, there were badyzes such as:" The Argentinian team is not as good as we would like it. "Or again:" No rider or plan : the reasons for another elimination in the World for selection ". (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function ( ) {n.callMethod?
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