The body of Bernardo Pisetta is buried at the Indaial cemetery, in Vale do Itajaí


The Flamengo and Cachorrões shirts have long been Bernardo Pisetta's favorite uniforms to wear under the beams, during training and football matches. This Sunday morning, they also became a kind of uniform, but this time for friends and family who went to bid farewell to the young 14 year old guard who left the Indaial fields and he's seen interrupting his trajectory in the fire of Flamengo CT on Friday.

Bernardo's body arrived at Navegantes airport around 8:30 pm Saturday. The wake began at midnight on Sunday at Indaial City Council. The burial took place at the municipal cemetery at 12:15 pm.

During the night and all Sunday morning, long queues were formed in front of the municipal council by friends, members of the family and the inhabitants of the city who went to say goodbye to the young Bernardo. Family members like cousin Marcelo Lanznaster tell us that the family is still devastated and sensitized by the loss of their child.

especially as a person, "he said.

In a sense, the same feeling is spreading in the city, which stopped on Sunday to bid farewell to the prodigious talent.

The ceremony lasted about 15 minutes

(Photo: [Photo:

The ceremony lasted about 15 minutes [Photo:


The burial took place during a ceremony of about fifteen minutes accompanied by hundreds of people.Bags and football umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun that dominated Sunday in Indaial.After the prayer, the family members have threw roses on Bernardo's coffin and closed the burial with thunderous applause.

Bernardo was the youngest of the two children of Darlei and Leda Pisetta and started playing football in a camp. badociative in the Tapajós neighborhood, next to the school where its mother worked as a teacher.

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