The Bolsonaro government withdraws in less than three hours on demarcations


The President of the Democratic Rural Union, Luiz Antônio Nabhan Garcia, meets with journalists after visiting the presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro.

O Globo:

The government Jair Bolsonaro has made a new intervention. less than three hours. After announcing that the identification and demarcation of indigenous lands, the allocation of title deeds to quilombola zones and agrarian reform policies would be under the responsibility of the rural leaders close to the president-elect, the new ministry Agriculture returned and issued a second release of this decision.

At 12:48 pm on Tuesday, the future minister Tereza Cristina announced through her press office that the future special secretary of Luiz Nabhan Garcia, of Land Affairs, would be responsible for "the land regularization, including the activities of Identification and demarcation of indigenous lands and quilombolas, environmental licenses and agrarian reform policies ". At 3:37 pm, less than three hours later, the new Ministry of Agriculture was removed by way of a "clarification note" addressed to the press.

The new communiqué states that the Nabhan secretariat will be responsible for defining the country's land policy. but will not be responsible for the demarcations.


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