A bus traveled 15 km without brakes on the descent at sea aboard the BR-376 and struck 13 cars before being able to stop at Guaratuba on the Paraná coast. Accidents occurred Thursday morning (27), according to the Federal Highway Police (PRF).
An occupant of one of the collided cars is slightly injured and driven to the hospital.
The bus, with 21 pbadengers, struck the first car at km 667 and was able to stop only at km 676.
The vehicle was traveling between São Paulo (SP) and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The car and a new accident occurred, three minutes later, involving another bus and five other cars.
A chartered bus that left Cianorte, in the north- west of Paraná, in the direction of Balneário Camboriú, on the catarinense coast, so as not to be able to brake in time and cause piling, according to PRF. Nobody was hurt.
Due to accidents and high vehicle throughput due to the holiday season, the BR-376 is moving slowly between kilometers 648 and 677 towards Santa Catarina.
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