The campaign against Aedes aegypti teaches the people of Chapadão do Sul to end the transmitter's breeding sites


Ten minutes is a lot of time for you? This is what is needed to protect you, your family and the entire community from diseases transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti: dengue, zika and chikungunya.

One week is the average time of the so-called life, that is, the period it needs to go from the egg phase to the adult mosquito.

After ten minutes, it is necessary to check weekly at home, where females lay normally. Preventing new mosquitoes from reaching adulthood, we also stop the transmission of diseases.

This is the message of the campaign "10 minutes against Aedes aegypti", launched by the Municipality of Chapadão do Sul, through the Municipal Health Department. If everyone does their part, devoting only ten minutes a week, everyone wins the fight against dengue, zika and chikungunya.

The 10-minute survey should be done mostly in places where the mosquito usually lays. Aedes aegypti uses environments with flat water to reproduce, so rule number 1 is not to let that happen.

Here are some important tips for eliminating breeding grounds:

– Water tanks must be fully fenced.
– any object that accumulates water must be cleaned, without leaves or soiling;
– gallons, drums, wells, brbad and drums must be completely closed;
– clean the drains and place the screens;
– even trays in the refrigerator can become breeding grounds, so old tires should be stored in covered areas, while empty bottles should be stacked; they must be clean and dry;
– never put water in pots of flowerpots; fill with sand and wash these containers once a week;
– spill buckets and vats in the service area
– If you use tarpaulins to cover objects or debris, make sure they are well stretched.

Being free from the harm caused by dengue, zika and chikungunya is easy, but it depends on everyone's effort.
– pools and fountains should always be clean and treated with specific products for that. If everyone carries out the weekly inventory and puts an end to Aedes aegypti breeding grounds, the whole population of Chapadão do Sul gains in health and well-being.

Assecom PMCS

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