The changing forces of the magnetic north pole changes and affects the GPS of planes, submarines and mobile phones – 01/01/2019 – Tec


Scientists have explained that rapid changes in the Earth's magnetic north pole are forcing researchers to perform an unprecedented early upgrade in a model facilitating the navigation of ships, planes and submarines in the world. Arctic.

Magnetic North, a point that moved from the north coast of Canada a century ago in the middle of the Arctic Ocean and heading towards Russia.

"It travels about 50 kilometers a year, 1900 and 1980, but has really accelerated over the past 40 years," said Ciaran Beggan of the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh on Friday.

Automotive or mobile navigation systems rely on satellite radio waves to point to a position on the surface of the Earth.

Many phones are equipped with a compbad to guide cards or games like Pokémon Go. In most places, the Beggan compbad pointed out slightly erroneous places, within the margin of error of five-year models.

A five-year update of the global magnetic model is expected to take place in 2020, but the US military has submitted an unprecedented review request. planned, said Beggan. The center coordinates the model with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Beggan stated that the movement of the poles affected navigation, particularly in the Arctic Ocean, in northern Canada. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as well as the US and British military are part of the groups using the magnetic model as well as civil navigation.

The changes in the pole are attributed to the unpredictable movements of the liquid iron core of the Earth. An update of the model will be published on January 30 in the journal Nature.

"The fact that the pole is advancing faster makes this region exposed to major mistakes," said Arnaud Chulliat, a geomagnetist at the University of Colorado Boulder, at Nature.

"It does not really affect the middle or lower latitudes," said Beggan. "It will not really affect those who drive a car."

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