The circulation of dengue type 2 in 19 cities puts the SP on alert


The circulation of dengue serotype 2 in 19 cities was detected in of São Paulo and alerted the state. Since 2016, only serotype 1 of dengue has circulated in the municipalities of São Paulo. Individuals infected with different serotypes over a period of six months to three years may progress to more severe forms of the disease. According to the state government, 610 cases of dengue fever were recorded on January 15. The number is similar to that checked last year and, according to Department of State Health does not represent a disturbing picture.

  Mosquito & # 39; tiger asian & # 39;

Mosquito & # 39; tiger asian & # 39;

Photo: iStock

"Although this is not yet the majority of cases, the dengue type 2) is already circulating more regularly in the municipalities of the Araçatuba region " coordinator of coordinator of State Department Disease Control .

Of the 645 municipalities in São Paulo, serotype 2 was detected in Andradina Araraquara Barretos Itajobi Mirbadol Pirangi and Vista Alegre do Alto .

He stated that type 2 dengue fever was not "particularly worse". The risk is related to the overlap of the virus. "It was circulating up to now type 1, and when a type circulates and a new serotype of the virus appears, it can be 2, 3 or 4; s it is 2, the number of dengue cases can change further, "he explained.

The infectiologist clarified that the haemorrhagic nomenclature of dengue fever was no longer used because not all severe cases of dengue develop in hemorrhage.

According to Boulos health teams in cities where type 2 circulation was identified are targeted to provide more attentive care to patients suspected of having disease. "In a case of dengue last year, when only type 1 was circulating, if the patient was fine, if he was taking liquid by mouth, he would send him home and, he had something, he was coming back. "Maybe stay longer with the patient at the hospital to follow the evolution," he explained.

The infectologist said that there was no explanation for the beginning of the circulation of the new serotype. When you have Aedes ( aegypti ), which is our case, if a person has dengue 2 or 3 and that it is stung by the vector, can reproduce this virus " The best form of prevention, regardless of serotype, is therefore to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

According to Boulos there are four serotypes of dengue, three of which circulate in in Brazil . São Paulo currently distributes serotypes 1 and 2. "A type 3 detection was detected in Araçatuba region but only one case in two or three years, not now, we are not three years old, "he said.

Yellow fever
The Secretary of State for Health reinforces the guidelines for the municipalities of the Ribeira Valley for the intensification of the strategies of vaccination against yellow fever. The region concentrates 12 confirmed cases of yellow fever this year, six of which have evolved into deaths. The balance is January 21st. The victims were infected in the municipalities of Eldorado (9 cases, 4 deaths); Jacupiranga (1 death); Iporanga (1 death) and Cananéia (1 case).

Wild cases of the disease are transmitted by mosquitoes Haemagogus and Sabethes. In urban areas, transmission is by the mosquito Aedes aegypti . There has been no case of urban yellow fever in Brazil since 1942.

Vale do Ribeira began receiving a yellow fever vaccine recommendation about a year ago, but vaccination coverage in the region is 66% until now . All paulistas, who are not yet immunized, have a recommendation for yellow fever vaccine, especially those who live or visit areas with dense vegetation. The vaccine is available at SUS and health centers and must be taken at least 10 days before travel or forest areas. .


Immunization coverage in the state against yellow fever is on average 65%, with variations between regions. In Baixada Santista the percentage is similar. In Vale do Ribeira the coverage is 66%. In the Vale do Paraíba and the north coast it reaches 85%. In 2018, 502 cases of wild yellow fever were confirmed, 175 of which resulted in death. In 2017, there were 74 cases and 38 deaths.

See also:

Clothing can act as an anti-mosquito


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