The consumption of dietary supplements requires a lot of attention


The search for a miraculous formula capable of effortlessly sculpting and in record time, the perfect body ends up attracting a large number of people for them to be consumed without control of dietary supplements. Without good administration, these substances can pose a health risk. But there is no point in blaming the products. The mistake lies in the lack of information and consumption without criteria.

Properly administered by trained professionals, dietary supplements can help improve the quality of life and performance of training. In 2018, Anvisa approved the new regulatory framework for dietary supplements. In addition to improving consumer access to quality products, the action aimed to eliminate claims made without scientific evidence.

Increasingly, these products are part of people's routine. A study conducted by the Brazilian Association of Complementary Specialty Industry estimates that 54% of Brazilian households have at least one resident who consumes dietary supplements.


For those who want to exploit these substances, the first step is to know that there is no miracle formula. Without the advice of a professional and a balanced diet, dreams can turn into nightmares. Remember the famous phrase: no pain, no gain. Efforts will be needed to reach the desired body.

In this way, call a specialized doctor or nutritionist. Pbading a battery of exams is an important tool in determining whether or not to include supplements in your balanced diet.

Supplement is not a meal Dietary supplements are meal replacements. Much more than bodybuilding, these products can contribute to quality of life by providing the body with the essential nutrients that are lacking. Another benefit is to improve athlete performance by working with food to restore energy expenditure and enriching the diet, even with vitamins and minerals.

There are also supplements that help you lose weight. They increase the metabolism and help eliminate body fat. However, it should be emphasized again that consumption requires the accompaniment of a professional.

People who, for whatever reason, used drugs to control the thyroid, for example, should not use the thermogenic, as they may contain hormones that can deregulate the body's natural production.

Source: Database Content

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