The Counter-Terrorist Division of the Federal Police Searches Battisti in São Paulo | Politics
The Italian was arrested Thursday by Minister Luiz Fux of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) (13). The Minister revoked an injunction (interim decision) that prevented the extradition of Battisti until the Supreme returned to badyze the case and had him arrested.
The next day (14), President Michel Temer signed Battisti's extradition decree.
The Italian Cesare Battisti is considered a fugitive of justice
The Italian Cesare Battisti is considered a fugitive of justice
The Italian Cesare Battisti is considered a fugitive justice The work is integrated with Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), the International Criminal Police Organization (ICRC), the International Criminal Police Organization (ICRC) and the International Criminal Police Organization (ICRC). International Criminal Police Organization (ICRC).
According to the PF, the main challenge of the survey is the border, 17,000 kilometers long and accessible from the country roads where there are no checkpoints. Battisti was arrested in 2017 at the border of Brazil with Bolivia, with dollars and euros of undeclared cash.
This Sunday (16), PF disclosed gou portraits with possible disguises that the Italian could use to hide.
<img clbad = "progressive-draft" alt = "The Federal Police publish simulations of possible disguises of Cesare Battisti – Photo: Divulgação / Federal Police" title = "The Federal Police publish simulations of possible disguises of Cesare Battisti – Photo: Divulgação / Federal Police "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAnABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUHBgT / xAAXAQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgME / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAGjJ2iKWhnvptRmlkUbpEteyhTmjvLAogB6K8BX / 8QAHRAAAgIDAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQCBQABBhYUFf / aAAgBAQABBQJbqVw3a / R68 + 11sJKewqsX6GALzVpI3Nmv9 / B65DF7qS90B8w + dbtynU9UDFrJpe jtgvNsON / D6SWbuSKdEFo0ac9uY8f3dZ 8QAGxEAAgMAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECETESweH // / + 2gAIAQMBAT8B8JYi iWI5Ddn / 8QAGBEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAEQ4RH / 2gAIAQIBAT8B1DUOV // EACsQAAEDAgMGBwEBAAAAAAAAAAECAwQAEQUSIRMUIjFBYTRRgZGTlLHRNf / aAAgBAQAGPwKct2S5u rgIbOU5bpqTFVIe34rGTnchVuvvWGKakPZ2uKSADfSwN / PrXiT8av5U95e9bs8CEHZKOqe1S8PeXM3pxScish5G3WsIDKpmaMLv3bN1BNh61ykfXVU6QqJOLDwISQ0q / D2 / KlQHI8wPLWMq9mctjbr 1hRTFn7SLxODZnitYeteDn + / WVU6ScPnLZeSQlIRxC3LTv0qXhr0CadqtNnAnh1tfX0rB2m8PnoXE5pVe68ttB51 / lYj8NSp26vLZczM5NoNLW1tftT GKjPFTziVpd2w0vbv2rC3BDczQBdQU6OPUcte1eGc90 + / 2v // EACIQAQEAAgEDBAMAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQVFxEGGB8JHB0f / aAAgBAQABPyGuWaSEsOnWd8rBFLzwB0 / LVyW0SqH9At9ED5oPgAOzXWZPrrbN3E1w3zmrXjqhKpsx4z7r sZgvPQJY1d4aC2y0psaCPyzlULG9EZsxnsvoA6iUypKegj8sWIqW0SqNR284IMgnAwpy0L4z6X + + + // 5A3BHG9k2 W8ugthFEeWuj3woc6joMXdtXvPQ5 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEIC7IXAP / 8QAIREAAQIFBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBBEVGx0fExYXGRofD / 2gAIAQMBAT8QcQAx47UgHqthGP0UUdB6oFIN5d0UAC11 / 8QAHBEAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAER8DFRgWFx / 9oACAECAQE / EPrdWDN8I3NWDN8H62JQ2z // xAAdEAEBAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMRBBYVGB / 9oACAEBAAE / EEWRXaR3 gDe6nLnJqmKlQheHAycn8qhM + / + QpwaBPc8Ni8xrDqU1hoW73i45cFkQwA1tMHc4RpeDKeLQnZFVPfKZ2KEoh9BAX36zethO5ZMGfb2rH9YsYSXy1gv0PhwFeEZCIaAqz uKU4hBl7iBmrsVigzk6jNRSQlUnhWKKgaowoBCdCvnHOGgtkXCRBH8Tnt7x8 Federal police released of possible disguises simulations of Cesare Battisti – Photo: Disclosure / Federal Police "Photo: Divulgação / Federal Police" Federal police released of possible disguises simulations of Cesare Battisti – ago a number of
The Cesare Battisti case in Brazil began under the government of the Federal District of Paraná, Brazil.
The Cesare Battisti case in Brazil began under the government of the State of Paraná. former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). The Italian has fled to Brazil to avoid extradition to Italy, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment for four homicides in the European country in the 1970s [19659011AtthetimeBattistiwaspartoftheorganizationProletariansArmyofCommunismTheItaliancourtsfoundhimguiltyoffourmurderscommittedbetween1978and1979againstaprisonguardapoliceofficeraneo-fascistmilitantandaMilanesejeweler(thejeweler'ssonwasaparaplegicafterbeingstruck)TheItaliandeclareshimselfinnocent;
Before escaping to Brazil, Battisti pbaded through two other countries. In 1981, he managed to flee the penitentiary of Frosinone, near Rome, where he served his sentence until the death of the jeweler and took refuge in France. The following year, he moved to Mexico
Battisti returned to France in 1990 and began to play the role of writer in the police. In 2005, he decided to leave Europe after the French State Council had authorized his extradition to Italy.
In 2007, the Italian was arrested in Rio de Janeiro by the federal police and then served a pre-trial detention sentence (without a fixed term) pending a final decision on the request for extradition submitted by Rome.
Battisti was able to obtain political refugee status with the Lula administration in 2009, citing "a well-founded fear of persecution based on political opinion", contrary to the decision of the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE) [19659013] At the end of 2009, the Supreme Court upheld Italy's request for extradition but left the last word to the President of the Republic
Lula rejected the government's request Italian on December 31, 2010, the last day of the PT government. Battisti left Papuda Penitentiary in Brasilia in June 2011 after being detained for four years while awaiting a position of Brazilian authorities on the extradition request
Lula's decision caused diplomatic malaise with Italy, which was extended by the government Dilma Rousseff,
Rome did not give up extradition and resumed the conversation with Brazil after the fear of arriving at the Presidency because of the dismissal of Dilma,
. Battisti 's defense was expected and asked the Supreme Court for an injunction to prevent the delivery of the Italian to the authorities of the European country. At the time, Fux had granted the injunction, the same as it had revoked this week.