The deal ends with a limit of 301 weekly flights from Brazil to the United States


Decree establishes that the opening or closing of new routes of zones between Brazil and the United States will be free, according to the decision of the companies

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June 27, 2018



US companies, however, are still prohibited from operating domestic flights in Brazil, and vice versa (Wikimedia Commons / Reproduction)

The agreement "open sky" between Brazil and United States, signed in 2011 between the former Presidencies Dilma Rousseff and Barack Obama, was published in Official Journal of the Union The decree was signed Tuesday 26 by President Michel Temer after being approved by the Congress in March.

The agreement provides that the opening or closing of new routes between Brazil and the United States will be free, according to the decision of the companies. In other words, there will be no more current limit of 301 weekly flights.

American companies, however, are still prohibited from operating domestic flights in Brazil, and vice versa.

Some of the articles in the agreement were already in force, because of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries. Among them, those who establish free prices and the creation of new routes and offers of code share, a type of cooperation agreement whereby two airlines share flights, the same service standards and the same sales channels. Thanks to a code share, a company may carry pbadengers whose tickets have been issued by another.

Temer announced the signing of the decree alongside US Vice President Mike Pence, who was in Brasilia on an official visit.

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