Another step took place yesterday in the demolition of the former Portuguese soap factory in Benfica, where will be built a subsidiary of the Assaí Wholesaler hypermarket of the Pão de Açúcar group, of about 30,000 square meters. The fireplace, which is a historical heritage, will remain intact and, therefore, will not be used explosives, only machines. During the destruction, from 08:00 to 18:00, CET-Rio made intermittent bans on the side lane of the Av. Brasil, in partnership with P5 Empreendimentos
According to the engineer responsible for the work, Rafael Guimarães, Telmec Engenharia, the demolition, which began in March, is expected to extend over the next two weekends: the Saturday from 13h to 18h and Sunday from 8h to 18h. The hypermarket project has not yet been finalized, but work is expected to begin in early August, with the inauguration scheduled for February 2019.
next-door building 10 years ago, at the Retirement Luzinete Pereira, 76, famous, more convenience to shop.
_ There is nothing here close. I still have to go to Benfica center to buy vegetables. And when I had the factory, I had too much rotten bones.
Until 2011, those who crossed Avenida Brasil felt the characteristic smell of Union Fabril Exportadora (UFE), the Portuguese soap factory, installed in the area well before the opening of the road in 1938. A year after closing, a fire destroyed part of the building and in January, what was left of the building was sold for about $ 12 million.
The work, however, is not pleasant to all residents of the area. Ronaldo Gama, a 36-year-old bus dispatcher who has been living in Vila do Sabão for seven years, complains of the constant presence of dust and cracks in his slab. Retired Carlos Roberto Ferreira, 72, suffered damage with broken tiles and a freezer burned due to lack of light from the rubble.
_ We have not been warned many times that it would be demolished. Many neighbors had burned devices because the structure fell on the wires, and they did not even come to see the damage.
Nursing technician Maristela Noronha, 54, also living in the village, said she had been deprived of light for three days. However, after complaining to the engineering company, Light was contacted and the power restored. Retired Maria das Graças, 64, had the refrigerator burned at the time, and the problem was also solved by Telmec. Despite this, he fears the next phases of the demolition:
_ My house is leaning against. "/> In the house of internship trainee Mônica Barros, 33, a crack is open in the plaster ceiling of the bedroom of his daughters. According to her, the lack of light is recurring and her husband, a taxi driver, was almost hit by rubble on a day when there was no stoppage of traffic during the demolition. In response, the engineer in charge said that before the action began, a survey was conducted on the homes that the residents allowed the staff to enter and after the earthworks, another will be executed to check the disorders and repair them. Guimarães confirmed that on two weekends, the demolition equipment unexpectedly fell on the wiring and Light's support was requested. According to him, Telmec Engenharia has a group in WhatsApp with the community, in which communications are made.
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