The dollar increases by almost 17% in the first half of 2018 | Economy


The dollar ended the last session of the first half up. This Friday (29), the US currency rose 0.49%, sold at R $ 3.88666. Year – to – date, the dollar has already advanced 16.99% on the real.

It was also the last working day of the month. In June, the dollar rose 3.77%. This week, the peak was 2.53%. See more quotes. Dollar tourism closed the day at almost R $ 4.03, excluding the Financial Transactions Tax (IOF).

The movement of money in these follows the external scenario, with investors looking at the Brazilian economy and the Brazilian economy

Dollar change in 2018

Difference between tourism and the commercial dollar, considering the final value

of the US interest rate. In addition, there are fears about a trade war started between the Americans and China.

On the real, the uncertainties of the internal environment still weigh in the midst of uncertainties about the October election scenario. Investors remain vigilant by broadcasting polling intentions polls, observing the chances of candidates who would be more engaged in economic reforms than financial agents.

In addition, the truckers' strike also had an impact on the financial markets, with revisions to estimates of economic growth and other indicators, such as the exchange rate.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Financial Education: What makes the dollar exchange rates compared to the real "[Title="Educationfinancière:Qu&#39;iscequifaitquelavaleurdudollarchangeparrapportauréel""JetrouvedifficilepourledollarderesterendessousdeR$4autroisièmetrimestreLebiaisd&#39;échangeestélevébienqu&#39;enjuilletavecdesvacancesdansl&#39;hémisphèreNordetlarécession(duCongrèsbrésilien)ladevisepourraitcontinueràfluctuerautourde380R$"adéclaréJoséFranciscoLimaGonçalveséconomisteenchefàBancoFator[19659010?] For Mario Battistel, fair trade exchange, the outlook for the exchange rate is not much more positive: on the one hand, worries about the trade war inhibit global wagers for emerging markets, because they undermine the outlook global growth. more and more frequent voting intentions do not make room for great relief. "I do not believe in a significant decline in the dollar, which will be costly until the definition of the election," he told Valor Online.

"The first half is over and you should not miss it," advanced broker Alessandro Faganello told Reuters.

Last session of the six-month period

On Friday, the market was influenced by the formation of Ptax, a rate calculated at the end of each month by the Central Bank, which serves as a benchmark for several exchange.

Therefore, during the last session of the month, traders seek to influence the currency rate so that it is more conducive to their business. This causes the day to be marked by increases and decreases in the dollar.

BC Intervention in the Stock Exchange

The Reuters Agency notes that there are still expectations as to how the Central Bank will act in July after the strong intervention that she has performed on the foreign exchange market since mid-May. In August, US $ 14.023 billion matured under traditional currency swap contracts, which equates to the future sale of dollars, and the market is waiting for the announcement of contract renewal.

"The volume is important and the market is very sensitive, you do not think either that British Columbia will not produce this volume," said the operator of the brokerage Spinelli. , José Carlos Amado.

The total swap stock rose to $ 67.414 billion and British Columbia's President, Ilan Goldfajn, repeatedly reiterated that he sees no problem in increasing this stock if needed .

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