The federal government auction has cheap iPhones and Moto Z for R $ 350


As we know, the Internal Revenue Service typically conducts auctions with products seized at ports and airports across the country. For this reason, many people often see this agency as a good time to buy products at below-market prices.

Now, according to the income system, several smartphones are available at auction. What strikes the most is the Moto Z which has initial offer of $ 350 and is located on the lot of Port de Santos. Another very attractive offer is the iPhone 5S which is also marketed for a good price.

The initial offer for The handset of Apple is $ 560, which is the 32GB version and is also located in the port of Santos. Another lot offers two iPhone 6S with the minimum bid of $ 2100.

According to Revenue, in order to participate, interested parties must register on the IRS website, be with the CPF in good standingIn addition to not having debts with the Union, they can respond to these requirements taking into account the following rules:

  • Each offer must be at least R $ 10 higher than the last recorded by the system, so there can be no repeat bids.
  • When the bid is greater than $ 1,000, subsequent bids must be at least $ 50 higher than the last bid in the system.

The business figure also states that the items seized and auctioned are not guaranteed and that there is no way to confirm them before making the purchase. They are defective or ready to be used. Another important point is that the person pick up the lot in person in the port or airport where the products are located.

(updated on June 25, 2018, 8:18 AM)

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