End of campaign
By tomorrow (1 st), the remaining doses of the influenza vaccine will be made available to the general population. The basic health units (UBS / UBSF) are expected to open at 13:00 and in each location there are, on average, 220 doses available.
According to the Secretariat of Public Health (Sesau), immunization room professionals may distribute pbadwords based on the amount of vaccine available in the unit and terminate vaccination at 16:45 [19659003] To receive the vaccine, you must submit the vaccination card, the medical file number of the Municipal Health Network (Hygia) and the SUS card.
After a two-month vaccination campaign, Sesau vaccinated 96.78% of the target population, exceeding the target population. the 90% goal set by the Ministry of Health is essential. Up to the last day 20, 191,453 people were vaccinated from the risk group estimated at 197,820. Two groups recommended for vaccination did not reach the desired immunization coverage, being less than satisfactory: children from 6 months to less than 5 years old, with 76.32% (41,548) and pregnant women with 65.58% (6.752).
the first group reached 106.714% (85.451), the second group 91.92% (21.244), women who gave birth recently 90.25% (1527) and educators with 136.94% (9 049 ). Patients with comorbidities reached 85.01% (18.356), an index considered satisfactory
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