The mud containing iron ore from the Vale dam, which broke last Friday (25) in Brumadinho, Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area (MG), is expected to reach the Três Marias hydropower plant on Francisco, from the 15th to the 20th of February.
Forecasts appear in a Paraopeba River monitoring bulletin issued Monday by the State Geological Survey (CPRM), linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy
Before arriving at Três Marias, a Cemig-managed plant, the mud, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, is one of the major tributaries of the São Francisco River. must cross Tuesday the region of São José da Varginha and the hydroelectric plant Retiro Baixo, operated by Furnas, between 5 and 10 February.
This is the first time that information indicating that the mud will reach San Francisco, based on the conditions verified by researchers towards the end of the morning of the second, are revealed by a government agency. Forecasts will be updated daily.
On Sunday, Regional Development Minister Gustavo Canuto said that the likelihood of mud reaching San Francisco has been reduced. According to him, the arrival of residues at the Retiro Baixo dam was expected to dampen the flow of mud.
The Government of Minas Gerais will map the farmers affected by the dam failure
The Government of Minas Gerais announced Monday the beginning of a survey on the number of rural producers and areas of activity affected after rupture of Vale mining dam . Preliminary data indicate that, in the case of Brumadinho, the area affected by the mud is mainly intended for vegetable planting.
The mapping will concern 19 other municipalities of Minas Gerais located near the Paraopeba River, located in the section accessible to residues. These are: Betim, Cachoeira da Prata, Caetanopolis, Curvelo, Esmeraldas, Felixlandia, Florestal, Igarape, Inhauma, Juatuba, Maravilhas, Mário Campos, Pará de Minas, Paraopeba, Pequi, Pompeu, São Joaquim de São José and São José Varginha.
The work will be conducted by the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Minas Gerais (Seapa). According to a statement issued by the technical badistance and rural extension company (Emater-MG), which is related to Seapa, visits are planned to producers, who will receive guidelines based on data badysis of soil and river water.
The use of kite trucks for animal service will be evaluated. A survey of affected farmers who have recently obtained rural credit should also be conducted.
"Depending on the needs, the secretariat may ask banks to extend the payment of rural producers," the statement said.
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