The Government recognizes that Guaidó is designated as representative of Venezuela in Brazil | Politics


The Brazilian government on Monday (11) acknowledged Venezuelan lawyer and teacher Maria Teresa Belandria with the diplomatic representative of Venezuela in Brazil. She was appointed to this post by Venezuela's self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaidó.

The country is going through a political crisis with clashes between opponents and supporters of Nicolás Maduro's government. The crisis provoked an exodus: hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans left the country in search of refuge in neighboring countries. More than 40 countries, including Brazil, have declared supporting the Guaidó opposition. Fourteen countries expressed support for Maduro, including Russia and China.

An opposition leader defies the government in Venezuela

The post at the Venezuelan Embbady in Brasilia was vacant since December 2017, while

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb "src =" "alt =". Nicolás Maduro's government has decided the expulsion of the Brazilian ambbadador from the country [19659006] Accompanied by the coordinator of humanitarian aid, also known as Guaidó, Lester Toledo, Teresa met with reporters at the conclusion of the ceremony at Itamaraty Palace. "

"We are moving quickly not only towards a full political relationship, but also towards a fundamental relationship for humanitarian aid," he said.

Teresa Belandria said the priority will now be helping Venezuelan cross-border commuters who she says need cancer, heart, dialysis and estrogen medicines. crossing the border with diseases already eradicated.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "The Leader of the Opposition in Venezuela Says a Diplomatic Representative of Brazil

Leader of the opposition in Venezuela indicates a diplomatic representative of Brazil

Leader of the opposition in Venezuela indicates a diplomatic representative of Brazil [ [ad_2]
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