The helicopter carrying Boechat was not allowed to fly over the air


fell on Monday after the death of journalist Ricardo Boechat
and Ronaldo Quattrucci was not allowed to perform the air taxi service. According to
National Agency of Civil Aviation (Anac)
, the owner of the aircraft – RQ Specialized Air Services – could not do any
paid activity
, except for "aerial photography, aerial photography, filming, among others, of the same branch".

The helicopter crashed in the early afternoon on the Anhanguera Highway, in the Rodoanel region. The two occupants of the plane died on the spot.

Anac also announced the opening of an administrative procedure to determine the type of transport performed at the time of the accident.

In 2011, RQ Servicios Aéreos Especializados was fined R $ 20,000 for offering scenic flights of R $ 250 on the Groupon Group's purchase site. In the decision, ANAC reiterates that the company is neither certified nor authorized to carry pbadengers.

At the time, the defense alleged that it was an error of the platform because "the contract with the site was to send an e-mail to advertising agencies, photographers, builders and advertising agencies for aerial photographs ", which are in the remit of the company.

RQ added that, once the promotion was announced, it immediately contacted Groupon, who allegedly acknowledged the mistake and withdrew the promotion. He also added that the panoramic flight cited in the indictment had occurred "on a personal basis, provided free of charge by the owner". Currently, however, on its official website, RQ still announces that it performs the tourist service.

The description of the company's page clearly indicates how the additional services were provided. RQ is detailed as "specialized in aerial work such as filming, photography and reporting", but adds that "he has partnerships with other companies that complement the segment's framework".

  Services offered by the company RQ Photo: Reproduction
Services offered by the company RQ Photo: Reproduction

On the page describing the services, it is stated that "through partnerships" are offered services taxi, search, and flight escorts, as well as scenic flights, participation in weddings and transportation of values. Already by offering its clients the services of photography, filming and reporting, RQ indicates that it "makes available the air resources" to fulfill the aforementioned tasks.

  Some services are offered through partnerships Photo: Reproduction
Some services are offered through partnerships Photo: Reproduction

Libbs, a pharmaceutical company Boechat gave its last lecture on Monday. indicated that the transport service was hired by the company Zum Brasil, in charge of the organization of the event. Zum's office said that he had consulted Anac and that the plane was in good standing.

Full text of the note published by Anac: "The PT-HPG registration aircraft, which was damaged today in São Paulo, was operated by RQ Serviços Aéreos Especializados LTDA, Specialized Air Services (SAE), which include aerial, aerial, aerial photography, among others of the same branch.
apart from the mentioned could not be provided. In light of this information, the ANAC opened an administrative procedure to determine the type of transport performed at the time of the accident. "

Patrol captain of the road, Augusto Paiva, explained that the helicopter had tried to land on the road urgently after being hit by the truck, which had just pbaded the barrier of automatic toll on the link between the truck and the truck. Anhanguera.

The Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Cenipa) will investigate the accident.

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