The integration of active firefighters and the reserve marks the National Firefighters Day in Brusque – Diplomat FM – 105.3


This Monday, July 2, the Santa Catarina Military Fire Department commemorate the anniversary of the institution. For this reason, a series of activities marks the date in each state until the following day: The National Day of Firefighters, officially commemorated on July 2, marks the creation date of the Firefighter activity at Brazil, July 2nd. 1856, by the decision of Dom Pedro II, in Rio de Janeiro.

At Brusque, the celebrations began shortly before 8 am on Monday, during the service garrison service exchange. The moment was marked by the presence of several firefighters who are now in the paid reserve, and three of them returned to serve in the 3rd Military Fire Company of Brusque

The Commander of the Fire Brigade Suddenly, Lieutenant Jacson de Souza, explains that this is the third year in a row that the local institution holds the meeting of firefighters from the paid reserve, active firefighters and community firefighters. "The story of Brusque and the fire department is gathered here today.We have gathered friends to talk fraternize, they are firefighters who spend a lot of time without meeting each other and they are all together. We call on them to take advantage of National Firefighters Day. "

The major changes and restructurings that society has experienced over the years are also observed by the commander." Today, we have From equipment and advanced safety, the firefighter is well structured, can provide excellent safety equipment and personal and respiratory protection, something unimaginable 30 years ago. "[19659002EvandroGevaerdcolonelparticipatedinthecelebrationsNaturalofBrusqueworkedinseveralareasofSantaCatarinabeingcommanderoftheDepartmentofFiremeninMafraBlumenauFlorianópolisandBrusqueHeretiredascolonelBMin2014after32yearsasafirefighter"ItwasamilestoneinmyprofessionallifeworkingatBrusquebecausewehadasituationwithserviceissuesWedidnothaveanambulanceorspecializedrescueteamsWehadtheopportunitytoincludeinthelistofpre-hospitalservicesBrusqueinambulancesaswellasrescueservices"commentsGevaerdwhoisnowdirectoroftheSocialObservatoryofBrusque(OSB)

which accompanies the topic around the Reaction Fund of the Brigade of Military Firefighters of Brusque (Funrebom), on the possibility that the transfers made by the town hall are cut – consequence of a civil investigation opened by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Santa Catarina (MP-SC), questioning the constitutionality of the laws that created the funds of the fire department and the military police. "If it was not for Funrebom we would be in a very precarious situation today. If we can tell the difference between life and death of people in accidents and fires, it is because today we have a very good structure, and this is due to Funrebom. I think it is absurd that justice wants to intervene in a situation where the community does not want this interference.

On March 13, 2014, Second Lieutenant Pontes joined the paid reserve of the fire department. administrative services of the institution. "I joined the fire brigade in 1985, I have been retired for four years and I had the privilege of coming back as a firefighter temporarily hired for another four years," says Pontes.

When the end of the quarry is approaching suspending the uniform is not an easy task for a professional who has lived for more than 30 years to attend calls. Bridges says the last five years before retirement have been the most difficult. "I tried to get myself ready for five years.I left operational service five years before retiring and I asked to do the administrative service to slow down the routine," remembers

Upon his retirement, he stayed home for a year and felt that something was missing. "That was not what I wanted, it tried to fill my life anyway, but I could not fill it, I almost fell into depression. When the possibility of returning to the barracks appeared, Captain Manfrin (then commander) invited me and I accepted. Today I am here, happy with life. "

Cabo Decio Moresco returned to the military barracks, but not to answer the calls.He was part of the paid reservation team that accompanied the special activity Monday morning.Pumpier retired since 2002, recalls that when he started working, firefighters and the military police were integrated in the same space.The day of the National Firefighters Day, the retiree leaves a message to the new firefighters: "I want the person who has for purpose and devotion is a fireman who kisses with love and care, because doing good is very good, he must have courage and love. "

3rd Sergeant Adão Alves de Oliveira, former firefighter , began his military career in Lages as a police officer, before becoming a firefighter.He was one of the first firefighters to arrive at Brusque.I had not yet prepared the barracks, so I am stayed with the Prime Minister until I start the fire department, "he remembers.

It's been about eight years in the paid reserve, and life has changed completely. "We go to the reserve, but it's still military.We just do not have any obligation to be here, but if we call it, we'll come," points out He said, "The fireman is a heart. If there is no love for his neighbor and for life, he will not be a good firefighter. "

In addition to Brusque, Guabiruba also held a fraternization between firefighters to mark the date.

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