The sixth batch of salary premium PIS / Pasep begins to operate on Thursday (13) for those who worked in 2017. From this fifth, private initiative born in December. This is the last batch released this year. The next is scheduled for January 17 ( see the calendar below in this text ).
The amount varies from 80 to 954 dollars, depending on the working time of last year. Whoever was born between July and November has already been released and can still withdraw money.
For officials, no new credit has been released.
The bonus funds released on Thursday may be withdrawn until June 28, 2019.
Who loses the money term of the salary payment is without money, who goes to the FAT (Workers Assistance Fund). However, there have already been cases of workers to whom obtained the right to receive money after the deadline.
Payment Schedule
Withdrawal of the salary premium is gradually released the date of birth (employees of private companies) or the registration number to Pasep (officials). Check below the release schedule of the benefit: