247 – The Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, again criticized the actions of the bodies under his command. This time, he said that Ibama and Funai's actions on issues concerning indigenous people were "excessively voluntary".
The statement was made Wednesday (23), during a meeting organized by the Attorney General's Office. (PGR) to establish a dialogue with the government on the guarantee of indigenous constitutional rights.
Supporting the speech of Jair Bolsonaro, who baderted the existence of a "factory fines", Salles decided to criticize the fine of R $ 2.7 million. applied by Ibama to rural producers who have concluded contracts with indigenous badociations for the exploration of four demarcated lands in western Mato Grosso.
He did not mention that the fine had been inflicted after the evidence of planting soybeans and GM maize in the area. which is prohibited by law. In other words, the minister criticizes the fact that the body complies with the law.
"I think of an excessive voluntarism of organs like Funai, Ibama, etc., to this interference in the free will of the groups present in the places," said the minister, who defended that the government ignores the and respect the decision-making power of aboriginals about how they want to add elements to their day-to-day problems that are not part of their culture.
This exogenous interference in the decision to treat, to take care of, to make production in his own region, "said Salles.
" I understand that our role is to respect, care for and honor all this historical identity inherent in Native production, but also respect and apply, in fact, not just rhetoric, its own decision on when, how and in what way they want to add to their daily lives problems that are exogenous to their Indian culture. fathers, as in this case of agriculture, "said the minister.
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