The NBR completes 20 years of expanding content availability


Brazil's national television, known as TV NBR, turns 20 this month. The broadcaster was launched on June 13, 1998 for the purpose of transmitting the acts of the federal executive branch. Its existence contributes to the complementarity of the Brazilian communication system, formed by the public, private and state media, according to the Federal Constitution.

One of the pioneers of the project that led to the founding of NBR TV, João Carlos González, current content and journalism director, says that NBR contributes to society. "From the moment you bring the actions of the government to a specific audience and it happens, sort of, through the distribution of the image and video, it already contributes to this mission, which is to take the content ". For him, the station has consolidated a trajectory in the country, but it is still necessary to ensure that the information produced reaches even more in the interior and border regions.

Currently, about 200 workers do the BNR. For 18 years on the radio station, the journalist Wahby Khalil says that at the beginning, the programming grid was married to that of the national television, which broadcasted the signal of Radiobras to Brasília on the 2 channel VHF. Shortly after the entrance of the new chain in the air, we sought to expand the coverage, "so that it also brings diversity, culture, regionalism to the whole country," recalls Khalil, who explains that this was done through partnerships with

"It had the space of the executive branch in the grid, but it was not 24 hours." The government had its time slot, a newsletter Five minutes and two solemnities of the government were also broadcast at ten o'clock in the morning and at three o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time of the solemnities live, "he said.


  TV NBR complete 20 years this month

One of the programs produced is the Reporter NBR, journalistic newsletter that presents the latest news from the government – Reproduction / TV NBr

With the creation of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) in 2007, NBR became the a responsibility of EBC Serviços. Today, the NBR TV broadcasts 18 hours of programming every day, and only stops showing at a dawn, between 0am and 4am. About 60% is their own content, and the remaining 40% comes from partnerships, for example with TV MEC or TV Câmara, according to João Carlos, content manager of the NBR.

One of the programs produced is the Reporter. NBR, an information bulletin that presents the latest news from the Federal Government and the Presidency of the Republic. Scientia, from the Federal University of Paraná, is dedicated to the dissemination of scientific production. Educational content is also part of the Enem Time program. There are also talk shows, musicals and many others.

Faced with the current scenario of communications, especially the presence of the Internet, the challenge now is to reinvent itself. João Carlos says that he works for the BNR to be a broadcaster of content across multiple platforms. According to him, with the technologies, it is possible to accelerate the availability of material for radio, television and even webcasting.

"We started putting all the equipment of the NBR in the cloud. Interview, sound, image, pronunciation, material made by Secom digital cabinet [Secretaria de Comunicação da Presidência da República] we capture everything in HD [sigla em inglês para alta definição] and makes it available in the cloud. Today, 100% of the material we produce is available to broadcasters, "explains Gonzalez. During this semester, a portal will make available everything that is produced on the web by the BNR, thus facilitating access and distribution.

Television can reach all of Brazil by cable or dish, in addition to having its programming rebroadcast by broadcasters. signal open in several localities of the country. Programming can also be verified via the internet.

Publication: Sabrina Craide

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