The percentage of diabetic women increased by 92% in Cuiabá (MT)


The percentage of women with a medical diagnosis of diabetes in Cuiabá increased by 92.1% between 2006 and 2017. Surveillance data Surveillance of risk factors and protection against chronic diseases by telephone survey), serve to alert the population of the capital of Mato Grosso to the National Diabetes Control Day, which takes place every year on June 27th.

11 years ago, the percentage of women diagnosed was 3, 8%, now the index rose to 7.3%. The percentage of men diagnosed with diabetes remained stable over the period. In general, Cuiabá appears as a fifth capital with the lowest percentage of people with the disease, with 5.8%.

In comparison with other capitals, Cuiabá men presented the second lowest rate (4.2%) Medical diagnosis rates of diabetes in 2017, being ahead only on Palmas (3.7%). Among women, the capital of Mato Grosso was the 13th with the highest percentage of the disease.

"Diabetes, as well as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, can be prevented, provided that healthy habits like adequate nutrition and physical activity practice, be adopted. Vigitel's goal is to monitor these risk factors and protection against chronic diseases each year, and to monitor health indicators that contribute to the formulation and reformulation of public policies, "said Marta Coelho [19659005AccordingtotheMortalityInformationSystem(MIS)thisnumberhasincreasedby25%overtheperiodfrom694deathsto868in2016HospitalInformationSystemData(HIS))Thenumberofhospitalizationsincreasedfrom2810in2010to2318in2016Diabetesisresponsibleforcomplicationssuchascardiovasculardiseasedialysisforchronicrenalfailureandsurgeriesforlimbamputationslower


For those who already have a diagnosis of diabetes, the unified health system (SUS) offers free, basic care – gateway the SUS, complete and free care, developing actions of prevention, detection, control and drug treatment, including insulin. Here, the popular pharmacy Tempe, a partnership of the Ministry of Health with more than 34,000 private pharmacies throughout the country, also distributes the glycemic index, is still available in primary health care units, reagents and syringes .

Free drugs, including metformin hydrochloride, glibenclamide, and insulins.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

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