On Tuesday, the PSDB celebrated its 30th anniversary with an empty political act, marked by the absence of strong toucans, such as former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso and former pre-candidate João Doria . Government of São Paulo. The celebration took place at the end of the National Executive meeting of the PSDB, in Brasília, in which was approved the destination of 30% of the Party's Electoral Fund for women's campaigns.
The party made a film in which they were shown the important moments of the PSDB, as well as a speech of the former governor of São Paulo Geraldo Alckmin, president of the legend and candidate to the Palace Plbadto
"It was a simple thing … in Brasilia, you know …", said Alckmin when asked why he was not attending FHC, Doria and even the former party presidents at the time. A ceremony held in a hotel in Brasilia.
Shortly after, however, the former governor said that the party also had to save. "I am not a party organizer, I am practical, we are not spending money, but the film pays tribute to each one of them," he said. "It's time for Brazil to make a new leap," he said in a campaign tone. Later, in a speech, the former governor admitted to being in search of allies. "A swallow is not a summer, it's not a coalition to win elections anyway, but to govern," he argued, promising that he was elected he would pbad on to the Congress in January 2019 the "structural reforms"
The accused Lava Jato, accused of pbadive corruption and obstruction of justice, Senator Aécio Neves (MG), former president of the PSDB , only appears in the film in the 30 years of the party, much younger and next to the grandfather Tancredo Neves. One broadcaster says that the PSDB is "the result of a sum of biographies never repeated in the history of Brazil."
Aécio attended Thursday a dinner at the official residence of Mayor Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ). The possibility of replacing Alchmin for Doria on the PSDB's presidential plate, joining the MDB and the DEM around this new candidate was the main thread of the meeting which also brought together President Michel Temer and the Minister of Mines and Mines. 39; Energie Moreira Franco.
The government, the MDB summit and the important sectors of DEM have sympathy for Doria, but despite the problems faced by Alckmin – stagnant in the polls – the change of candidate is considered distant. Tuesday, about what he thought of Maia's meeting outside of the official agenda, Alckmin smiled. "When he can not speak well, do not say anything," he replied, remembering the phrase used by his father.
In addition to approve that in the 30% of the campaign resources should go to female candidates, the PSDB National Executive also decided on Tuesday how will the money be divided among all competitors? Of the total 185.8 million reais of the PSDB fund, approximately 43.3 million reais will be allocated to the presidential candidate, 43.3 million reais to governors and senators and 43.3 million reais to the governors and senators. federal and state deputies. In practice, the largest share will be reserved for women, who will receive about 55.7 million reais.
Doria's complaint is of the division, arguing that São Paulo should receive a value proportional to its population. "With the big state, the ceiling is big," said Alckmin.
With difficulties in obtaining DEM support, the idea is (distribution) to be around 30% to 35% of the ceiling. The former governor spoke on Tuesday with Senator José Agripino (RN), who led the party until March, and heard from him a report of the problems of union between the two. two acronyms in the first round of the conflict.
told Alckmin that the DEM likes him a lot, but there is no consensus, "said Agripino Maia." I clarified that the decision will be taken further on the base of the majority. "Until now, the bloc composed of DEM, PP, Solidarity and PRB is cracked on which name to approve for the presidency.In recent days, many have expressed a preference for Ciro Gomes, a pre-candidate PDT.Nothing is closed, however. "
Alckmin will be received at dinner by members of the central bloc, led by DEM, next Tuesday in Brasilia, and on the 28th he will launch a platform on the Internet, with the aim of making suggestions for the participatory government program. The project is funded by a "virtual chat"
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