The photo shows a suspect arrested for the death of the tourist of Santa Catarina on the path where the body was found at RJ | Lake District


A photo taken by a group of Guides of the Association of Guides shows the suspect arrested for the death of the tourist of Santa Catarina, Fabiane Fernandes, 30, on the track where her body was found in Arraial do Cabo, in the Rio Lakes Region.

Police arrest a suspect suspected of killing a businesswoman on the Arraial do Cabo trail

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https: / / "alt =" Police suspect of killing a businesswoman on the Arraial do Cabo trail

Matheus Augusto da Silva, 22, was arrested on the morning of Cabo's arrest

(19659006) Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested in São Carlos and transferred to Rio de Janeiro for the first time to testify about the rape and Murder of a tourist Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested in São Carlos and transferred to Rio de Janeiro to testify to the rape and murder of a tourist.Photo: Fabiana Assis / G1 "title =" Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested at – Photo: Fabiana Assis / G1 "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQQBQoHBwYIDA oMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAATABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcDBgQFCP / EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUDBP / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABtKhYmmJZrzQ58wUCX + AclQZwhs // xAAdEAABBAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQMEBgACFRYk / 9oACAEBAAEFArqQ2eJWAW1EgBzyR3 / cQMKbpHNF6 + 4ZYeGSBrXQy1aJu1YPiUqiRTXKiZ // xAAdEQACAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgARAwQSITFR / 9oACAEDAQE / ATrphxMzdnwR ammjkjZMoF2v7P + / xAAaEQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADETEE / 9oACAECAQE / AUtNzjOdirWw0SkA VZpCrP + / xAAtEAACAQICBwcFAAAAAAAAAAABAwIAERITBCEjMUFCkRAUIjIzNGE1UnGBof / aAAgBAQAGPwKOi4sHLuJNvj5pDYqnn32hlK / WtH2GNCliOXffLjKvph613ifqyXhgJcZE2P8AKLVuUlQ1Zsje / wCqDMcHr5irXh / PY6Z8yRCaz9pua0dqNnNqIzkRxJFKyvAHwuwDdKvbw6V / / 8QAIRABAAEEAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBUXHwEIGR4fH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hbEEgEBEsDLk6Gjgc0xli6Y4xzTsq5rmmxvXVfrKDJKsrLHjdEL4kEDIlkucG qBodnXaS8Pqh9nfnKnwVaoM7tFjB7ULkYyzynor / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEE9wIv / EABwRAAI CAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERADEhQVHB8P / aAAgBAwEBPxA5LcT3bSJtcY3UCgQxgrwhGQYHQT // xAAdEQEAAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAABADERIUFxgbHB / 9oACAECAQE / EH4pZ6xZoO98WzXF8TKRBkNn1n // xAAeEAEAAgIDAAMAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMRBRYUGRsf / aAAgBAQABPxAX509QPoiShYemkNVAUQdKE7guOWcOK70SLUn11wIfNDUBgywpSJ84k5eHIkKWM2JsXjzsU4moCSDTMRngfTEW / AUVfHz + WQOCERYJsbgB5hJTgoUJqYdhxD // 2Q == "/> <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested in São Carlos and moved to Rio de Janeiro to testify about the rape and murder of a tourist. Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested in São Carlos and transferred to Rio de Janeiro to testify to the rape and murder of a tourist. Photo: Fabiana Assis / G1 "title =" Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested at. – Photo: Fabiana Assis / G1 "data-src ="×2448/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbg/)

Matheus Augusto da Silva was arrested in São Carlos and transferred to Rio de Janeiro to testify to the rape and murder of According to the police, the searches began at 5 am at the address of the suspect in the city, but it was only found around 10 am in a psychiatric rehabilitation center located near Analândia (SP). ), 48 kilometers from São Carlos

The suspect was examined by a group of people and drove to Rio to be heard by the delegate, Renato Mariano, responsible for the investigation.

The young man's mother did not want to identify, but stated that he was suffering from bipolar disorder and that he had been without contact for more than 30 days. the son would have gone to Campinas and, after meeting a hippie, he went to Rio and after a month he called his mother to ask him for money.

According to the DIG Gilberto de Aquino delegate, the boy confirmed that he had been disturbed by a love story with one person. So he left the city to go to Campinas with a parent and met a hippie. they went together to Arraial do Cabo, where they camped.

In a video, Matheus denies the charges. "I would like to let time appear … The time I leave the result of my exams to show that I am innocent of these accusations and that my life would return to a normal year, everything becomes again as it was ", said the suspect to G1 .

Fabiane disappeared on November 18 after entering a path in Arraial do Cabo. She even published a message on a social network, with the caption: "Daily exercises, Atalaia track".

  A tourist from Florianópolis published a photo of the trail before disappearing in Arraial do Cabo, RJ - Photo: Reproduction | Social Network <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Tourism posted track before Florianópolis photo disappear in Arraial do Cabo, RJ – Photo: Reproduction | Social Network" title = "A tourist of Florianopolis published a photo of the trail before disappearing in Arraial do Cabo, RJ – Photo: Reproduction | Social networks "data-src =" A tourist from Florianópolis posted a photo of trail before disappearing in Arraial do Cabo, RJ – Photo: Reproduction | Social networks

The body of the.

A body examination revealed that the victim had all the broken facial bones and died from the consequences of 39, a head injury.

Fabiane recorded video nibbling in a convenience store before disappearing on a trail. He spent two days in a row downtown to have breakfast and have breakfast. with store employees in, she says that she was alone in town and that she wanted to do the trail. from Pontal do Atalaia. [1965902] 1] A sniffer dog participated in the search and located the body of the businesswoman on the Prainha trail. The expertise of the civilian police found on the spot documents, clothing and property of the victim.

Fabiane ran a family inn in Praia dos Ingleses. Fabiane had a nine year old son and is busy with his mother, who is bedridden. She lived in Florianópolis (SC) and was born in Sapucaia do Sul (RS).

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